Chapter 27

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The two nations headed west this time. France was standing outside a building, looking up at it looking slightly confused.

"Any luck with the search?" Germany asked as they grew closer. France turned, shaking his head.

"Not too well. Remember when I mentioned seeing a brothel?" He asked. Germany could already guess where this was heading.

".....It wasn't actually a brothel, was it?" England gave France an incredulous look.

"You moron!!" He said, glaring at the frenchman. France held his hand up in defense.

"How was I supposed to know??" He asked. Germany crossed his arms, glancing over at the building.

"Then, praytell, what exactly is this place?" The German asked.

"......Not exactly sure, either. This place is empty." France said. He then pointed to the other buildings nearby. "In fact, most of the buildings here seem empty."

"Now that you mention it, it is strangely quiet here." Germany pointed out. "We haven't even had a battle in a long while."

"I'll try to find somebody around here." France promised, glancing back up at the building while thinking.

"With any luck Korea is still here, this 'lack of people' may make looking for him either easier or harder." England said as they began walking back. Germany nodded his agreement. When they made it back to the crossroads, this time heading south where Japan had gone. The nation in question was looking at wall scrolls at one of the stalls.

"So, Japan. Find anything?" Germany asked as they approached him.

"I have found the wall scrolls I saw earlier. But sadly they are very over priced." Japan said. England sighed.

"You realize even if they were affordable, you cannot actually own them." He said. Japan looked slightly confused.

"Huh? Why not?" Japan asked. "I think they'd look nicely on my wall."

"You can't be serious." England muttered. 

"I apologize, England-san." Japan said quickly, still looking confused. "I appear to be missing the joke."

"You are in a dream. These things do not exist." England said harshly. Japan looking slightly shocked, but glanced down at the ground, understanding.

"Ah....right. All a dream. How foolish of me to think that this was...." He trailed off. England huffed, shaking his head disapprovingly.

"Seriously, with all these strange events like toys coming to life and enchanted furniture, you still don't seem to get it." He scolded. Japan only looked more ashamed at his mistake, causing Germany to glare at the Brit.

"Hey. Don't talk to him like that. He just slipped up, there's no need to-"

"I am sorry. I will try harder. Excuse me." Japan cut the German off, hurrying off back towards the crossroads.

"Japan! Wait!" Germany said. But it was too late, the nation was already running away. "Tch, now look what you did." He growled, glaring back over at England. "Just because he is my ally does not give you the right to talk down to him like that."

"It's dangerous for one to be in that mindset." England shot back. "To believe this is all reality would damage him in the long run." He sighed, glancing in the direction Japan had hurried off in. "But I do apologize if I seemed harsh, I did not mean to try to hurt his feelings or anything like that."

"I'm not the one you should be apologizing to." Germany pointed out.

"Fine fine. When we gather together, I'll apologize personally." England said. They began heading back to the crossroads, out of places to check.

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