Chapter 33

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When they reached the outside, Germany was already heading out of view. He took the path to the east, heading back in the direction of the villa.

"There he goes, after him!" England yelled, already beginning to run after the German. The others followed close behind. When they could finally see Germany once again, they saw he was heading into a previously blocked area.

"Wait a minute..." America said, stopping short. "Something here seems different."

"Wasn't there trees in that spot before??" England asked, stopping as well.

"That doesn't matter now aru!!" China yelled, stopping to turn to them. "We need to move fast or else he'll get away!"

"Right, right! Sorry!" England said, beginning to run again. America followed him close behind. The group followed the new pathway to a large mountain like area. Germany had walked into a cave opening, much to many of the nation's disappointment.

"You got to be kidding me." France said as they reached the entrance. "Do we really have to go in there?"

"It's where Germany went, so if we still have to follow him, we go through there." Canada said. "Besides, Germany could be leading us to a new area!"

"Precisely why, I assume, we are following him." Japan added. "Let's keep moving!" There was a collective nod and they all went in. However, after one look around the room, it was obvious Germany was no longer there.

"Oh great, we lost him." England said after their search.

"He couldn't have gotten far." Russia pointed out. They had literally just seen him before entering the cave. He was probably still somewhere inside the cave.

"But which way did he go??" China asked. There were three possible ways, but it was impossible to tell as each one was pitch black.

"Won't know until we try to find out!!" America yelled, running into the nearest tunnel. It took a moment, but he eventually ran back out the other way, much to his confusion. "Wait...What?"

"Three pathways, one true way forwards." Japan said. "Which way is the right path then?" 

"Let's try the middle. If it isn't that one, we use process of elimination and go through the last one." England said. He went right through the second path, and when he didn't reappear, the others just assumed this way was the right way. It took a lot of guesswork and just time in general until they finally got to the end of the puzzle.

The last path led them not only to Germany, but to a large drop. A complete dead end. Germany stood right at the edge of the cliff, unmoving. He didn't even turn when the others all entered, he just stared down at the bottom.

"About bloody time." England said with a huff. "Looks like a dead end."

"Why on earth would you drag us all the way out here for a dead end??" China asked. The german didn't reply. 

"Germany, you best answer us." Russia said, a dark tone edging his voice. "Our patience is not very thick right now." Still no reply.

"Can he even hear us?" Canada asked, crossing his arms and tilting his head slightly. Germany studdenly took a step even closer to the edge, still silent.

"Germany, you better not be doing what I bloody think you're doing!!" England yelled. 

"Don't be reckless!! That looks like a long drop!" France warned. 

"Germany-san?" Japan said. Germany ignored all of them, and, despite their warnings, walked right off the edge of the cliff. 

"Germany!!" England yelled, running forwards. The others followed, peering over the edge.

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