Chapter 44

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"I told you it was easy with us combined!" Spain said happily, raising his lance from his shoulder and stabbing it into the ground.

"Ooh, I missed this!" France said, almost like an excited child. Prussia had a huge grin as slashed the air with his blade.

"Finally some trio action like the old days!" He said happily.

"Oh! Hola, amigos!" Spain said, noticing the rest of the nations in front of them and stepping forwards. They had a much, much different reaction to him being there.

"Spain?! How did you get here?!" England asked, or more like demanded.

"Oh, I drank some of that potion that Prussia had~" Spain explained. "I didn't want you all to have the fun!"

"Wouldn't be as fun without you!" Prussia assured him, taking a step forwards along with France.

"After all, there is strength in numbers!" France said.

"I can't believe this." England huffed, placing a hand on his forehead and shaking his head. "At this rate, the entire world is going to be in here."

"That would be fun~" Russia said cheerfully.

"I just had to come in!" Spain suddenly said, since he probably heard what the Brit said. "Pleeease don't be maaad!"

"If I knew Spain was involved on the outside I would have expected him to come in." Austria said, folding his arms and looking right over to England.

"Well, I suppose we could use more help." He finally sighed.

"Arrrrriba!" Spain exclaimed happily. "You won't regret me doing this, I promise!"

"" Japan watched Spain for a moment before turning and going a bit closer to Germany, his eyes still darting to Spain every so often.

"Hm? What is it?" Germany asked.

"...I have a feeling he came into this world for a reason more than adventure." Japan said. Germany raised an eyebrow, looking back at Spain.

"What makes you say that?" He asked. Japan turned to look at Spain too, raising his hand slightly to point.

"He's looking around a lot, almost in a worried hurried manner." He said. Germany noticed it as well. Spain did seem to be glancing around quickly, even almost nervously. "Not in a way of looking out for enemies, but as if he's looking for someone not in the group." He did seem to be glancing at the group a lot, as if counting each member and seeing who's exactly there, but realizing with horror each time that...someone wasn't there.

"Yes, I was starting to notice that too." Germany agreed. "You don't think..."

"There is a large possibility. But let's hope that's not the case." Japan said, one look at his face telling the German he thought the same. Spain suddenly speaking up interrupted their conversation, returning attention to him.

"By the way! While I was here, I was tailing someone who was going northbound, he had something like a drum!" He said, even pointing up the northern end of the road.

    “Waaait this sounds familiar…” Prussia said. “It was probably one of those Baltic brats!”

    “That’s a little harsh, don’t you think?” Russia asked, causing Prussia to just point at him.

    “You zip it.” He said sharply.

    “Come, let’s go back to our adventure to find this person!” France said, putting a stop to any fight that might’ve broken out between the two. “Allons y!”

    “Vamonos!!” Spain added, pulling his lance from the ground.

    “Chaaaarge!!” Prussia finished. The three then all ran off down the path, leaving the other nations far behind.

    “Uhuhuhu~ I wonder if that’s their battle cries.” Russia said as they slowly began to head off after them. “It’s cute~”

    “It gets annoying when you hear that every time you go into battle with or against them.” Austria said, huffing slightly. “But we shouldn’t lose them.”

    Spain has joined your party!

    The group eventually caught up with the other three, stuck at a crossroads between two paths. After a bit of thinking (and a lot of arguing. Use your imagination to guess who), they eventually decided on a way. They eventually found their way to what looked like a spring, with Applebloom floating right by the water’s edge.

    “Welcome travelers!” She said cheerfully. “Care to barter~?”

    “Oooh! Hola!” Spain replied back, bending down to her level. “I have never seen a magic thing before!”

    “Are you more impressed with this than the giant snake thing you fought?” China asked, raising an eyebrow.

    “Spain, meet Applebloom!” Prussia said. “She gives us food for gold things!” England just looked at him in surprise, which he certainly noticed. “What’s with the face?”

    “You actually got her name right.” Canada explained, equally surprised.

    “I did??” Prussia asked. He must’ve done it without realizing it, since he definitely seemed as surprised as they all did.

    “Pleased to meet you, sugar plum!” Spain said, ignoring this whole thing going on behind him and focusing only on Applebloom.

    “Here we go again…” Germany muttered.

    “Hello!” Applebloom said back happily. They then began to buy whatever they would need, stocking up on Spring Water and some more burgers.

    And eventually, they began heading back out once more.

So, like I said in HetaFire, I am super sorry this took a while. I was out on vacation last week, thus being unable to update. So again, very sorry this took a while to get out, but now I should be updating this and HetaFire a bit more.

So, see you all in the next chapter! See ya!

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