Chapter 5

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Germany pushed the door open. Surprisingly, it was unlocked. Were they still here? "They must be here somewhere..." He told himself. He entered the home, closing the door behind him. He checked everywhere he could think of and he couldn't find any trace of either of them. Although he did begin to wonder, why did England move in with America? DId something happen? Er...It probably wasn't important at the moment. He just needed to find England so he could help fix Italy and then all of them could go back to fighting and this whole ordeal will be taken care of.

He finally came to the last room, but he saw the two from the doorway. Staying back, he watched the two from afar. There they are... But it seemed like they were talking about something. Something that seemed to be important.

"I tell you it was straight out of nowhere!" America was saying, clearly distressed about something. England crossed his arms, giving America a look similiar to how a mother would look to a child that was making a huge deal out of nothing.

"Calm down, America. He's going to be fine." The Brit replied. They must still be talking about that dog. I don't think I hit him that hard though. Germany thought. For one sinking moment, he thought that he did. That is, until America spoke again.

"Canada NEVER falls asleep on me! And he did! And I can't wake him up either, he's just dead to the world!" He exclaimed. England's look softened. He could understand how worried AMerica must've been. And, whatever was wrong with Canada did seem to worry him.

"Hmm...This sounds strange... Suddenly falling in a coma is not exactly normal." He said. .....What? Germany wondered. Was Canada experiencing the same thing as Italy? How?

"I'm just... Really worried." America said, looking to the ground. England put a sympathetic hand on the younger nation's shoulder.

"I know you are. Let's go see him, maybe I can figure out the root of the problem." England suggested. America nodded slowly and the two began up a nearby staircase. Germany stood there for a moment, still processing what he had just witnessed. Canada has fallen into a coma as well? Why? From how America had put it, Canada had just drifted off into a sleep suddenly.

......Maybe they weren't behind it after all. Germany finally thought. Hmm...I'll go see Bruder, maybe he'll know what to do. Germany nodded and quietly left, hoping that England and America didn't hear him upstairs.


"I didn't do anything!" Prussia yelled, hands up in defense while facing a currently fuming Austria. "Stop throwing such a hissy fit!" 

"Spilling tea all over my new carpet certainly is 'something'." Austria said in a forced calm voice. It was clear he was angry with Prussia, but Austria wasn't the type to yell. And to Prussia, something about the forced calmness in Austria's voice just freaked him out.

"Goooooooott, you're such a whiner!" Prussia complained, trying not to let it show that he was freaked out. 

"Because you ruined my rug!" Austria said, raising his voice slightly. Prussia rolled his eyes, letting a grin surface.

"Not my problem, Young Master!!" He said. Austria sighed, placing a hand on his forehead.

"Must you insistently call me that? You know how much I hate that name." He said. Prussia's grin grew even wider.

"That's why I say it!! KESESESESE!" Austria rolled his eyes. "Ha...Good grief..." He said. The Prussian never failed to get on his nerves. He should've known better than to invite him over. The idiot...

Hey...Friend? Austria blinked. DId someone say something? It certainly wasn't Prussia as he was still laughing. So who was it? No one else was in the room. Oh, don't worry about who I am! I'm your friend!  There it was again. Who was it?

The knock on the door interrupted his thoughts and drove the voice from his mind.

"Ah, visitor!" Prussia said, striding to the door. Austria set the tea cup he was holding down, looking over his shoulder at the door. The large figure of Germany, his younger cousin and Prussia's younger brother, stood in the doorway.

"Aaaah! West! What perfect timing!" Prussia exclaimed. He stood back to let Germany in, still grinning all the while.

"Guten tag, Bruder, Austria." Germany said as he came in. 

"Mh." Austria gave a short, curt nod to Germany, not saying a word.

"What brings you to this neck of the woods?" Prussia asked, putting an arm around Germany. 

"Italy's taken ill, I just...came for advice." Something was troubling the younger nation. It was obvious to Austria, but Prussia however...

"Ill? Like what? He got the sniffles or something? Just make him some soup!" Prussia said. Austria gave him a glare that said 'You oblivious fool!". Germany glanced down at the floor, not looking the Prussian or Austrian in the eyes.

"No, he's in a coma." Germany said flatly. Austria very nearly spit out his tea in shock. And Prussia's reaction nearly mirrored his own.

"WHAT?!" He yelled. Austria stood, an extremely worried look on his face.

"And you didn't take him to the hospital!?" He asked. Germany met his eyes for a minute, realization dawning upon the German. "...You did, right?" Germany quickly glanced back down at the ground.

"......I didn't read the manual on that!!" He answered after several minutes of hesitation.

"WEEEST!!" Prussia yelled, throwing his arms up in the air. Austria huff, crossing his arms.

"You idiot." He said simply, walking off over by his treasured piano. "You need to-"

Friend? Why are you so mad? He trailed off, the voice ringing in his ears again. Relax!

".......Yes Austria?" Germany said. 

Why don't you come with me? I've heard your music before. It's really lovely. Austria was about to continue, but this voice was distracting him. 

"Young master?" Austria tried to snap out of it.

"To..." He was trailing off again. What was happening to him?!

Why don't you come play your lovely music with me? 

"Jusss..." He was just getting tired...

And that's when the rest of the world just seemed to fade away for him.


However, for Germany and Prussia, it all seemed to happen in slow motion. Austria's eyelids slipped close and he fell backwards onto the floor.

"HEY!" Prussia yelled, jumping from the sound of Austria falling. Both of them ran over as fast as they could. "Are you okay?! Young master?!" Germany knelt down next to Austria, taking his pulse.

"His heart rate is dropping fast." Germany said with a horrified expression.

"Wake up dammit! Wake up!!" Prussia yelled. He was actually tearing up. He glanced up at Germany. "What happened?!"

"I don't know he just...fell unconscious with no warning." Realization dawned on Germany as he said it.

"That doesn't just happen!!" Prussia was getting more and more angry.

"...It's happening again." Germany simply said. Prussia gave him a confused look.

"What is that supposed to mean?!"

"I have to go see England. Stay here with Austria." The nation ordered. Germany then promptly ran out the door, leaving Prussia behind with Austria.

"West! Wait!" Prussia yelled after him. But it was too late, Germany was already gone. Prussia gave an annoyed sigh. "Don't leave me alone!!" He called one last time. No response.

He glanced back at Austria, thinking. "Now...What do I do with the master's body. Hm..."

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