Chapter 28

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"What's taking everyone so long?" Germany asked, stopping his pacing. The two had spent several more moments absolutely silent. England, who was still flipping though his book, stopped, glancing up. He opened his mouth to say a reply, but was stopped by a sudden voice behind them.

"Everyone!" Both nations jumped and turned. It was Japan, looking worried and breathing quickly.

"Whoa! Where'd you come from??" Germany asked. The Japanese nation shook his head, waving it aside.

"Nevermind that right now!" He said. "China is not China!"

" that by us again?" England asked, looking slightly confused.

"I was looking around and in the den over that way I saw a China in red robes, but I do not think it was simply his dream counterpart." Japan explained urgently. "That China with Russia is a fake! I swear it is the truth!!"

"How do you know it isn't his dream self?" England asked skeptically, raising his eyebrow.

"I-I don't know!" Japan admitted. "He was talking about being trapped in the ice caves and us abandoning him. I can just feel it, it's real!"

"Let's go take a look, I can usually see if it's a real or a fake." England said. The two Axis powers nodded and the three began heading east. However, as they headed past the same stall they had passed before, Germany suddenly stopped, backing up towards the stall.

"Everything all right?" England asked, stopping. Japan stopped as well, glancing back towards the den, then back to Germany.

"....This has changed." The German said. "I don't remember these being here before."

"Now that you mention it, I do not recall the trees being this color." Japan added. "Were they not cherry blossoms a few moments ago?" 

"....Let's hurry." England said, running towards the den. Germany and Japan exchanged a quick glance before following. By the time the two had caught up to the Englishman, he was pulling the door open. And all three ran inside.

The room was no longer filled with smoke. And the China that had been sitting on the cushion had changed. He was in his normal military outfit.

"What---China!" England said in surprise, running around the small table to stand in front of the Chinese man. 

"Hello! I found Korea, just like you said!" China said happily. Japan ran over to stand with England, looking angry for once.

"Where is Russia-san!?" He demanded. China, far from being put off by Japan's sudden anger, simply shrugged.

"Mm, I don't know." He replied. "He said he had to go do something!"

"Liar!" Germany accused, pulling his whip out.

"Where is the real China?! We know you're a fake!" England yelled, pulling his wand out. The China looked a bit surprised before grinning.

"Well, there goes that idea!" He said, standing.


"Seems I have to go and tend to something as well, I'll leave you to the mercy of my siblings~" The China said, sending a glance towards the Korea. "Ehehehe~" He then suddenly seemed to vanish.

"Ggck! That laugh!!" Germany managed. That China wasn't just a fake...

"Reve was the one masquerading as him!?" Japan asked, almost in disbelief.

"We have to find him!" England said. The other two nodded and began to head back towards the door. However, the Korea jumped up and ran in front of the door, blocking the way.

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