Chapter 49

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"So, the big nasty Dream Reaper is just a fragile thing?" Prussia asked as the nations gathered outside of the library. He crossed his arms, rolling his eyes slightly. "Fft. Lame." 

"That just depends on his friend's happiness." France pointed out, before shrugging. "It's almost sad really." Canada nodded, looking as if he was biting the inside of his mouth.

"Though, I have realized that the more people we take away from him, the more violent he gets." He also added. "Like what happened at the opium den and Austria's tea room." A good few nations nodded, clearly remembering the first nation they had saved and how casually Reve had spoken with them when he confronted them. Hell, he had even taunted Germany for a few moments before retreating!

"Ai-yah, that screech he made before he attacked Prussia still haunts me." China agreed, giving a small shiver. 

"We should be careful when dealing with the next few lords then, there's no telling what he could do." Russia suggested, almost unconciously rubbing his chest. "I certainly don't want to be stabbed again." 

"...Hm?" America suddenly began glancing around, as if he was looking for someone. "Hey, aren't we missing a few guys?" 

"Hm? So we are!" Russia said, noticing this as well.

"Who's missing?" Austria asked, raising an eyebrow slightly. "With such a large group, it's hard to tell."

"It's hard not seeing the big eyebrows though, did England stay behind?" France asked. As if waiting for this, the door to the library opened, only for England and Spain to step right out. "Oho, speak of the devil."

"You mean speak of the me. Uhuhuhuhu." Russia said, jokingly. No one....exactly said anything about this.

"Sorry about the wait, just had to take care of something." England apologized, almost hasitly stowing away his old spellbook. 

"Now that everyone is here and accounted for, let's try to find the heart of this place and rescue who is at the center." Germany said. "We need to keep moving if we're going to find Italy in time." 

"Before we left the room, Priestess gave us the key into the next area." England said, even pulling the key out. "So we should be set to go." 

"Was that what was going on?" Austria asked. England hesitated for a moment, before making a 'kind of' gesture.

"Sort of."

However, Spain seemed to squirm in place, looking just a little bit uncomfortable. Something both Germany and Japan took notice of. They exchanged a quick glance, almost as if they both knew the other had seen, as the group of nations began moving back through the church once more. They reached the stairs and the door to the library in no time (coming across a few of those unusually strong mice once or twice). This time, however, Applebloom was waiting.

"Welcome travelers, care to barter?~" She said, just as cheerful as ever.

"Where'd you come from?" England asked. Last they were even up here, she was no where in sight. She was even still outside of the church! The faerie gave a small, tinkling laugh.

"I'm very tiny, sir, it takes a while to get places!" She explained. 

"Could've fooled me the way you zoom ahead of us all the time!" America said, laughing slightly as well. 

"Mhm!" Applebloom nodded, smiling brightly. "You all travel so fast, sometimes it's hard to keep up!" 

"Don't overdo yourself, Applebloom." Germany advised, although it sounded a bit more like an order. Obviously one that was out of concern for the faerie, but an order nonetheless. "We can handle ourselves, don't tire yourself out so much for our sake." 

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