Chapter 24

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When they had made it out of the door, the first thing they saw was Devil, or the other Russia they had fought before. Except...he was bloody and bruised. He also seemed to put his weight on one of his side, breathing heavily.

"Bloody hell!!!!" England yelled, voicing everyone else's reactions. Russia rushed forwards, trying to help his counterpart stand straight.

"What happened??" He asked. Devil looked up at him, pushing himself off of him.

"....Follow me if you want to get out of here alive." He simply said, turning and heading down the tunnel. The caverns seemed to shake once more, shocking everyone.

"You heard him! Come on, let's go!!" Russia yelled at them, following his counterpart. The others exchanged a glance before following at a run. The faerie that had set up shop in the ice caves as well was gone, the spot where she once floated on fire. There were also piles of rubble everywhere. It felt like a long, terror-filled run until they reached the entrance. That was when they saw Devil stood there, looking at the staircase entrance. was gone.

"Devil?" Russia asked, taking a step towards the man. Devil turned back to the group, expressionless.

"The stairs back up to the castle were destroyed by debris." He said. "There's no way out."

"WHAT!?" America yelled. 

"We're going to be trapped in here forever?!" Canada asked. England sighed, glancing up at the ceiling as there was another crash.

"The castle would probably collapse in on us first." He said. Japan looked down at the ground, looking horrified.

"Is this it? Do we really have no where else to go?" France asked. England sadly nodded.

"It...would seem so." He replied. 

"We...We can't...not now...W-We..." Japan stuttered, his breathing suddenly getting more and more short.

"Japan?" Germany glanced over at his friend, noticing this.

"I'm so sorry everyone...This is all my fault..." Canada apologized. America put a hand on his shoulder, shaking his head.

"No, don't ever blame yourself." His brother said. "It was my fault for not being the brother I should have been."

"Nii-san...Nii-san...We need to find him..." Japan said, his breathing getting even more quicker. Germany  took a step towards him, getting more and more worried.

"Japan, calm down..." Japan glanced at him, one hand going to his head. He was visibly shaking. Something was terribly wrong.

"D-Doitsu-san...I-I can't...b-breathe..." He managed, alarming Germany even more.

"Japan!!" He shouted, taking another step forwards. But Japan also took a back, his other hand going to his chest.

"M-My chest- I-I can't!!...." He was taking more and more steps backwards, practically gasping for air at this point. Germany ran forwards, grabbing his friend by the shoulder.

"Japan, stay with me! Look at me!! Breathe!" The german nearly yelled. The Japanese man only clutched his chest even harder, unable to look at Germany.

"Ggck!!--aaAAAAAH!!" He shouted, right as a bright white light surrounded the rest of them. When it faded, they were where the ice caves had begun, the hole in the ice letting in plenty of sunlight.

"What the?!" England exclaimed, glancing around.

"Well this is a certainly a case of deja vu." France commented. Japan had fallen to his knees, taking several deep breaths. Germany knelt down next to him, still incredibly worried.

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