Chapter 11

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"Worth a shot, let's go!" England said. The group started after the Japan, not exactly running, but still moving fast enough so they wouldn't lose him. Their chase led them through what seemed to be mountains, cliffs passing them as they went along.

"What exactly are we supposed to say to the other Japan when we found him?" France asked. There was a silence as they thought about it for a minute. "I doubt he's going to be exactly like our Japan."

"You're right about that..." England said. "We're going to need to be careful about how we handle this."

"No kidding." Germany said.

"Hey, if anything happens to that Japan, would it also happen to this Japan?" China pointed to Japan. England shrugged

"I have no clue."

"I don't think anything too terrible can happen." Japan said. "Perhaps when we find him, I can speak to him?"

"Maybe. We'll decide when the time comes I suppose." England said.

They continued on, moving a bit faster. However, they eventually came across what seemed to be a transition between the grassy fields of the Median to what looked to be a snow covered forest.

"Whoooa, what the hell's happening here?" America said, voicing everyone else's confusion. Well, except for Russia, who only gave a dark look, his usual dark aura appearing around him.

"Ahah, I had a feeling we would have to leave this warm flower field for cold tundra." He commented.

"This is a new section of the mind, though it's certainly not Italy's. Someone else created it." England explained.

"Do we know who?" France asked. England shrugged again.

"No, I can't say for sure. But whoever they are, they're still in this realm."

"Other Japan is getting away! Stop gawking and let's keep going!!" China said, growing impatient. And they all were able to take a single step before being stopped by the ground shaking from underneath them and a yell.

"What on earth was that?" England asked once the ground steadied.

"A distraction?" Russia suggested.

Hold it right there! Someone ordered from...somewhere. Over here! Each one of the nations turned, only to see...America?

This America looked like the one with them, except he looked paler and he was in his old revolutionary war suit. He stood, fists clenched to his sides.

"WHOA! Another me!!" The America standing with the group said. He then smiled, giving a big wave. "Hi me!!"

"Oh bloody hell, he's wearing his old uniform." England said bitterly.

"Ooh~ What nice fiercely cold eyes you have~" Russia complimented. The other America looked slightly uncomfortable, glancing away from the group.

"...Thanks?? Uhh..." He struggled for a moment to find something nice to say about Russia in return. "...You're a funny guy."

"Uhuhu~ He is very much like America, so spunky!" Russia said cheerfully.

"Ahahaha! This will be a snap!" America said, grinning. "Hey, other me, do you know where we are?" The other America's gaze snapped to his counterpart, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"I have a name." He said.

"Excuse me?" France said. The America glared at him for a split second.

"I said I have a name. I'm America-" He stopped for a second, shaking his head. "Er...World."

"Whaaat. That's my name!" America protested. "But that's a weird last name!"

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