Chapter 47

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It took the group quite a while to reach the other side of the room. Or maybe it was just because of how many bookshelves lined the walls. And even then, the other side of the room wasn't that special. Just more bookshelves and a small table with a box filled with pink bottles.

"These are quite a lot of bottles, all empty too." France commented, unable to resist peeking into the rest of the box.

"When you have my job, you need it." Priestess said simply. He jerked his head towards the stairs, as if to say 'we need to keep going'.

"A crystal ball?" England noticed once they had walked down the nearby stairs. "Usually in our world they are for showing the future. Does this do the same?" Priestess shook his head, walking over and running a hand over the ball.

"No. It cannot show me the future, but it shows what is going on in any place in the world. It is how I am able to make these records of main events." He explained.

"I'm guessing Reve has something similar." Germany said lowly, as if he was just talking to himself.

"I assume you mean the Joker." Priestess said, looking over his shoulder at the nation. "Yes, he does. And only one other arcana has this sort of item in their possession."

"Oh?" Russia tilted his head slightly, clearly interested.

"They were sent into exile long ago, they use it to keep track of the rest of the world." Priestess said. "Joker thinks that there is no harm."

"And what do you think?" Austria asked. Priestess made what could've passed as a disgusted face, clearly showing what he thought without words.

".....I think it was an awful decision." He said simply, before his expression instantly changed back to his normal, neutral one. "But it is not my place to judge, I can only observe."

England had noticed that there was an open-faced book sitting not to far away. There was even an ink pot and quill not too far. He looked down at it, quickly reading the writing scrawled at the bottom of the page.

"Top ran away after giving his test. The outsiders went inside the church, not having the chance to go forwards, they stopped into the library."

"....Have you been writing down everything we have been doing?" England asked, making the arcana turn slightly.

"Yes. It is for my record book of this host." Priestess said, looking down at the book as well for a second.

"You've been spying on us this entire time?!" Germany demanded, looking furious at this news. Priestess just shrugged, thinking for a quick second.

"I would not call it spying, more of observing and writing said observations down." He said carefully. "But that doesn't matter now. We need to continue moving on." The other nations nodded and the group began to walk through the rows of books once more.

The other side of the room wasn't exactly the same as the side on the room above. There was an organ, what looked like an altar with a golden statue, and several more books, one of them even resting on a pedestal.

"I'm not familiar with this language." Germany said, as they walked closer to the altar. Something was carved into the top, completely unreadable to the nations, but something that might've been familiar to Priestess. "Priestess, what does it say?"

"Nivgesvui." Priestess said simply, running a hand along the base of the statue. "Nizniz is under that."

"And the other side?" Germany pressed. Priestess paused a moment, quickly reading the other markings.

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