Chapter 34

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A yellow butterfly flew on, fluttering over small patches of dry grass and white sand. What a butterfly was doing in a desert could be anyone's guess. But it was certainly interesting. Interesting enough to lead Germany all the way out here. It flew into a small passing, fading out of sight just as the German suddenly stopped. He stood completely still, staring at the place the butterfly once was before giving a slight start. He glanced around, looking a bit confused,

"W-What!?" He said out loud, mostly since he assumed he was completely alone out here. That was certainly something he was wrong about. 

"Finally, geez!" Germany turned sharply as the other nations made it closer. "We were walking forever, man!" America said, stretching slightly.

"What is this place?" Canada asked, looking around. 

"It looks like some sort of Wasteland." France said, looking around as well. 

"What a sad place..." Russia commented. "It is like home but no water." 

"What made you decide to come here?" China asked, making Germany jump very slightly. 

"...How did we get here?" He asked, getting a look of shock from everyone else. 

"Do you not remember leading us here?" England asked after what felt like an hour of just confusion. Germany shook his head, still glancing around at the area.

"Not really, no..." He admitted. "I just saw something out the window then I just blacked out." 

"Very strange." Russia commented. 

"So it is like back at the median? You were following a tug?" Japan asked. Germany shrugged, extremely unsure himself.

"I guess." The german said. "I did feel that sensation, but everything became a blur soon after feeling it." 

"Well, I suppose the most important thing is that we've come to a new area." England said, brushing it aside. "Let's go exploring, perhaps we'll find another kingdom."

"I just hope whoever is trapped here is all right..." Canada said as they began heading out. They walked for what felt like several hours. Heck, it even looked like they hadn't gotten very far as the Wasteland around looked exactly the same wherever they went. However, when they had walked a substantial amount, the ground shook.


Something, which sounded like a dragon or a dinosaur, was roaring. It made everyone in the group jump.

"Yipes!! What was that?!" America asked. 


Came a loud yell. A loud, human, and very familiar yell. 

"Ggck!!! That voice!!" Germany yelled, recognizing it. France looked like he recognized it as well.

"It couldn't be--" He started. However, the frenchman was cut off by a loud, even more familiar laugh.


"It is!!" France said, looking almost happy. Germany, however, looked less so.

"Mein Gott." He said, putting a hand to his forehead. He ran forwards, drawing his whip as he went. The others followed suit, pulling their weapons as they ran forwards.


A man was facing a large creature. It was large, with long feathery wings and head. Instead of it's mouth forming a beak, like a bird would've, it had the snout of a dragon. It had no legs, just a long, feather covered body that writhed and twisted as it hissed at the man. This man, meanwhile, looked completely white in the intense sunlight, coupled with his pure white hair. He wore a dark, navy blue uniform that looked similar to Germany's dark green. The man held a sword in one hand, raised in an overhead strike.

"Prepare to bow down to the awesome me!!!!" He yelled, rushing forwards and taking a huge leap. He slashed at the beast, cutting it right down the middle. It let out an ear-splitting shriek as both halves of its body fell and caught fire. The man shouldered his sword as the flames died down, letting out a laugh. "I'm so awesome! Kesesese!"

"PRUSSIA!" Germany yelled, stomping towards him. Prussia gave a jump, nearly dropping his sword. 

"Whoa! Hey guys!!" He said, quickly regaining his composure. 

"What are you doing here?!" Germany demanded, standing with his arms crossed.

"How did he get here would be the better question." England muttered, recieving a glare from Germany.

"Don't blow a gasket, West! Ha!" Prussia said, grinning widely. "Anyway, I got tired of waiting around all by myself so I decided to take some of that potion stuff ya had lying around." He slashed at the air with his sword. "Ended up here and I've been killin stuff left and right!"

"That explains why we haven't had anything to fight since we got here." France pointed out. 

"Wait...If he was here the whole time, how was I healed from the outside world?" Russia asked, pointing from Prussia to himself.

"Oh that was easy, just called up some people to look over you guys." Prussia explained.

"You let people into the ascension room without my permission?!" England asked, indignant. "Any of them could mess up any of the spells seals in the room and mess with our trip!" Prussia held his hands up in defense.

"It's okay, geez! I explained what to do so they wouldn't screw up anything!" He said. 

"Who exactly did you get anyway?" England said, crossing his arms.

"Mm, Spain, that Sweden guy, the crazy ladies-" Prussia started.

"Who?" Japan cut him off, evidently confused as to who the "crazy ladies" were.

"I think he means my sisters." Russia said, rubbing the back of his head. 

"Got that right." Prussia said, giving Russia a finger gun-point. "Anyway, also got Hong Kong and Hungary too. They also brought over more bodies."

"What?! Of who?!" England asked. Prussia shrugged.

"I saw Sweden bring in Finland's body but other than that I didn't see--" He stopped short, noticing someone behind England. "Wait a second!!" He ran over, pushing England aside. "Canadaaa! My maple buddy! How you doing, good to see you not dead!!" Canada backed away slightly, giving a small smile.

"Oh, hi Prussia!" He said. "Didn't think you noticed I was here." Prussia let loose another laugh, putting an arm around Canada with an even bigger grin.

"Pssssh, what do you take me for??" He asked. "Like I'd ever forget my pancake pallie!! Kesese!!"

"....Are you bloody kidding me...." England, who was still on the ground, said, looking absolutely fed up with this. "Is this going to be a normal thing? Everytime we get a new German I'm just going to be pile-driven over?"

"It's not so bad. You do look quite nice being on your back though." France said, getting a "Shut up" glare from England.

"Somebody bloody help me up!!" He yelled.

"Hold on, I got you." Germany said, bending down to help England back up.

"Thanks." England said, giving Germany a nod. "Don't mention it." Germany replied.

"Huhu, so much for not getting along with them." Japan said, a small smile on his face.

"Hush." was all Germany said in response. Inwardly, he did smile as well. Just another sign of how far they had come, he supposed. 

"Oh! By the way!" Prussia suddenly added in. "I was following someone up here who really looked familiar, he ain't too far away!" He pointed to the path ahead. "Let's go!! Ya can fill me in on the way!"

Prussia has joined your party!

So now Prussia has joined the fun! Woo! I was actually planning on leaving the chapter off at where you go off to actually activate the cutscene with Prussia, but I decided not to. So lucky you guys! You get even more Dreamtalia today! Yay!

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