Chapter 9

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"Where could he be?" Germany asked himself, pacing the area around the tree. "I saw him go to bed, like I told him to." He paced back the other way, glancing around this time. "He should've been here by now..." Pacing back the opposite way. "Did he get lost? No, no...He'll be right here..." Pacing the other way. "He'll be here..." A voice broke through the light mist that had settle. A voice that literally seemed to lift it.

"Veee~ Germany~ Germany, where did you go?~" Germany stopped, glancing around. Italy was running in from behind, smiling as wide as ever. "Oh, there you are! I was looking every-"

"Ah! You made it! I was so afraid you wouldn't come!" Germany exclaimed, running over to him.

"Mm? Is everything okay, Germany?" Italy asked, tilting his head.

"What? Of course of course, everything is okay now that you're here. Everything is okay." Germany replied.

"I'm happy to hear that~ Hehehe~" Italy said, his big smile returning. It was just so happy, it made Germany even smile a little.

"You're here now, that's all that matters. We're best friends, right??" Germany asked.

"Si!! Best friends forever!!" Italy said, nodding.

"Forever and ever and ever~" Germany said, more to himself than Italy.

"Ve~" Germany got an idea, one that managed to excite him even more.

"Come on, let's go visit America. We can go cloud gazing!" He suggested. Italy's happy face faltered.

"Ahn...Don't you hate America?" Italy asked.

"Hm? Why would I?" Germany asked, a little confused. America was a friend, wasn't he? That's what he had assumed anyways. "You like him, don't you?"

"But you always talk about how much you hate him." Italy said. Germany then realized that this was something he said in the real world. Not the dream world.

"Well, not here~" He said, trying to quickly cover up his mistake. "Here, we're all friends, we all love each other, and we all love you."

"...Really? Is it really that great here?" Italy asked, looking up at Germany for confirmation. Germany smiled.

"I pinky swear on it. This is your perfect world, and I'm here to guide you through it~" He said. Italy gave a happy squeal.

"Aah! This place really is wonderful!" He exclaimed.

"You are too." Germany said.

"Ehehe~" Italy giggled slightly. "It's not everyday you're complimenting me!" He beamed. "I'm so happy!"

"Aha, your face is almost tomato-red." Germany pointed out. "Now, come on, friend!" He took Italy's hand. "Let's go on our adventure!"

"Lead the way, friend!" Italy said. And the two began walking off, Germany leading the way. And for once, in all these years, he finally felt like he was happy. He had a true friend


"So...A creature from a mirror...Is in their brains and eating them through their dreams?" Prussia asked slowly, trying to get a grasp on the whole situation. The nations now stood in what England had called 'The Ascension room'. There were about four beds on each side of the room, the middle being occupied by a rug and what looked like a spell circle. A table stood at the far end, paper and book scattered about. And on three of the beds, Italy, Austria, and Canada lay, still asleep.

"Well, no. The longer this creature keeps them in their dreams, the more they disconnect from their bodies. That's what ends up killing them." Germany tried explaining. Both Germany and Japan, more Germany than Japan, explained what was happening and why they needed Austria back at America's house. And several things told Germany they hadn't done too good a job at doing so.

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