Chapter 4 (RE-UPLOAD)

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I can't breathe....

Italy coughed, bolting upright in the bed. 

"Ah...Ack!" And that only made him cough even more. Germany was standing over him, his empty canteen in his hand.

"Finally you've woken up. The tunnel is ready." He said simply. The normal serious look on his face once more. Italy scrambled into a sitting position, looking up at him.Hm? He thought as Germany walked over to the newly dug tunnel. Italy stood up, nearly stepping on the canteen Germany had left behind on the ground. He bent down, picking it up. His canteen's empty... He must've poured it on my head to wake me up. He felt his face and sure enough, it was soaking wet. 

"Ah! So sorry Germany! I was just so tired and-" But Germany held up a hand to stop him.

"Sssh. Let's go." He said quietly, pointing to the tunnel. Italy glanced down at the ground.

",,,Yes sir..." He said quietly. And, with that, they both left, silently and undetected.


Back at Germany's house, Italy went immediately back to his own room, absolutely exhausted. 

"Vee, that was exhausting!" He said, closing his door. His room was the same as always, just the way he had left it before going off to find the pasta...which had turned out to be a trap. But at least they had gotten out relatively unharmed! Well, minus Italy's still throbbing head. But that'll pass!

"I'm sure glad we got away~" Italy took one step into the room, realizing exactly how tired he really was. "Though now I really, need some sleep." He walked into the middle of the room, about to head right to his bed when he noticed the mirror hanging on the wall opposite of him. Strange, he almost never notices the mirror. He walked right up to it, peering right into it. Nothing out of the ordinary, just his normal reflection. But then, he suddenly saw something.

It was strange. It looked to be the blurry outline of someone behind him, nearly halfway across the room. Italy glanced behind him, seeing no one. Looking back to the mirror, he realized with horror the outline had gotten closer. And it was still getting closer, and closer, and closer...

Italy jumped back, right as a transparent figure of Germany emerged from the mirror. Italy didn't even know what to say.

"G...." The Germany nodded, a smile playing on his lips. "Germany?" Italy finished. 

"......................." Italy watched him move his mouth, but heard nothing coming out.

"I can't hear you. Let's see if I can read your lips." Italy said. Germany nodded and moved his mouth again. This time, Italy paid close attention to the words he was forming.

"......................." But this time, Germany also walked over to Italy's bed, pointing to it. Italy followed, trying to work out the message.

"You...want me to go to bed?" He asked, looking to the pale, see-though figure for confirmation. Germany nodded, evidently delighted that Italy had understood him. "Okay!" Italy walked up to the bed, not bothering to get out of his suit. "This is all so fun! I wonder if I'm asleep right now!" He jumped into his bed and closed his eyes, instantly drifting off to sleep. However, what he never saw was the transparent figure of Germany suddenly transform into a figure that looked like him, except made out of shadows, walk right to the side of his bed and place a single hand on his forehead.


"It's hard to breathe here..."

Germany stood. He seemed to be in a field of some kind. Perhaps an island? Glancing ahead of him, he could see Italy, except the Italian wasn't facing him.

"....Hm? ...Italy?" He said. Italy didn't even move. "....What is it?" Was something wrong with him? Germany opened his mouth to ask if anything was wrong when a sudden voice rang out clearly.

"....You don't want me......." The response surprised Germany. He what? And while it also surprised him, it also made him a bit annoyed. And it only surprised and annoyed Germany more when Italy suddenly ran off towards a large tree near the other end of the island.

"Tch! Italy! Wait!" He called, running after him. The tree, which had looked so far away, wasn't really and Germany reached it in no time. But something was wrong. Italy still refused to face him and the sense of foreboding rose in his stomach. 

"....Italy?" He asked. The nation stayed silent, making that wiggling worm of foreboding squirm even more. Then, Italy slowly turned. And what Germany saw was not Italy. He had no idea what it was, but.

It horrified him.

It held its arms out, one of them completely engulfed in shadow

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It held its arms out, one of them completely engulfed in shadow. It smiled, baring what seemed to be razor sharp teeth. Half its face was shadow, just like its arm. And the eye in the shadowed part? Completely white and dead. The other one was an icy blue which pierced Germany. Heck, it certainly made him freeze in terror.

sOMetHinG wRoNG CApTaiN?

And that's when Germany suddenly found himself back in his room, standing after nearly flinging himself out of his bed. He took several deep breaths. 

"...Ah..." He took a final deep breath, finally managing to calm his racing heart. "Just a nightmare...That was an odd one." He put a hand to his forehead. What was that thing he saw? It looked like Italy, but, at the same time, it wasn't. He shook his head. No, he shouldn't be worrying about that. It was just a nightmare after all. But still, what if that meant something? Did it mean Italy was in trouble?

"Hmm...I better go check to see if Italy is okay." He said, shaking his head once more before heading out. Thankfully, his room was right next to Italy's, so he didn't have to go far. Inside, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Italy was lying on his bed, evidently asleep. Germany still walked over, looking slightly relieved.

"...Oh, he's asleep." He murmured to himself. "I better not disturb him. He's been through a lot today." And Germany turned to leave. He had made it to the door when the thought struck him. What if Italy wasn't okay? The thought nagged at him until he finally went back and checked Italy again, this time taking his pulse. It was slow.

"His pulse is slow..." He commented. "Almost like..." And that's when realization hit him like a sack of bricks. "!! Italy!" Germany slapped the nation in an attempt to wake him up. Nothing. No whimpering, crying, or yells. Italy just laid there, almost like he was dead to the rest of the world.

"Italy! Wake up this instant!" He shook Italy this time. Nothing. He gave Italy another slap and still. No response. He let go of his friend, slamming his hand of his forehead.

"Ah, how foolish of me to let him go to bed with a concussion!" He said. Panic was setting in now. "What should I do now?? I haven't read the manual about comas yet!" When could this have-That's when. When England and America had captured him. Italy had mentioned that he was dropped on his way there. "Grah! It's all those two's fault! That England probably knows healing techniques. I'll make him fix it!" Germany gave Italy one last glance before turning and leaving. He would be fine for a bit, right? 

Whatever was wrong with his friend, he was determined to fix it. Even if it meant going to the enemy for help. 

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