Chapter 6

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"This is not normal..." England murmured to himself, pacing the room. "What could this be..." He had already contacted Romania and Norway about this and heard nothing about it from either of them. Was this something affecting a special few nations? Was it a spell? Who would be casting it then? "I swear I've seen this happen once before..." He said, running a hand through his messy hair. There was a loud bang, which made him jump. And then a second loud bang as the doors flew open. Germany stood in the doorway, looking like he had just ran a mile.

"England!" The German yelled, making England jump a second time.

"Ah!! What the-how did you get out?!" England sputtered.

"Are you the one behind everyone falling into sudden comas?" Germany asked, taking a single step towards the Brit. England quickly shook his head.

"What? No!" He yelled, desperately wishing he could just scramble right over the able right then and there. "Wait- you know of the comas?" He asked. Germany nodded.

"Italy and Austria recently fell into one, Austria did it right in front of me." Germany explained, a slightly horrified expression flashing onto his face for a split second. England thought for a moment, furrowing his eyebrows in concentration.

"...This is bad." He said. 

"You don't say." Came Germany's response. England shot him a 'Shut up.' glare before going back to thinking.

"I don't get it, none of the people have anything in common, why would this happen?" He asked, more to himself than Germany.

"Who else is ill?" Germany asked.

"Well no one yet but-" HE broke off, remembering who he was speaking with. "Wait, why am I telling you all of this?! I should be putting you back in your cell!!" He took a step toward the German nation. Sure Germany was what seemed to be a meter taller than him, but he would still take him on!

Germany, however, wanted none of that. "Just tell me more! If my allies are in danger I have to find out what's wrong!" He yelled.

"Like bloody hell I will!!" England yelled back.

"England. Just tell him." Both of them gave a start, glancing over at the owner of the voice. It was America, the worried look still on his face.

"What?" England said. He opened his mouth to say more, but was stopped by America.

"Something is definitely wrong with everyone, now is not the time to keep sides." He said, surprising both of the nations.

"America..." England began, but trailed off. There was nothing left to say. America was right in saying that now wasn't the time to take sides. There was a very serious issue going on, even more serious than the war.

"Danke." Germany said, nodding in thanks.

"Germany. You said Austria fell in front of you. What happened?" America asked, walking over.

"He was scolding me and then he just -- nodded off and fell asleep." Germany explained. America gave him an understanding look.

"Yeah, Canada did that to me, too." He said.

"How long ago was that?" The nation asked. America thought for a moment, trying to remember.

"About an hour." He finally said. Hmm....That's about the same time Italy and I got home and went to bed. Germany said silently. England huffed, crossing his arms.

"Has this happened to anyone else, or just Austria?" He asked, glancing at Germany. The German nodded.

"Italy was the first I had discovered in a coma-like state, but I had assumed it was just because of the blow he had taken to the head." Germany explained. England nodded slightly, understanding why Germany had come to that conclusion.

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