Chapter 15

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The room, in comparison to the rest of the factory, was the most colorful thing they have seen in awhile. There were brightly wrapped presents that scattered the room, several teddy bears here and there as well. There was a staircase with candy canes lining it. There was a figure that stood in front of a large Christmas tree. They couldn't see who was in front of it, but whoever it was, they wore a red and white suit. Almost like...

"Dude, is that Santa Claus?!" America asked excitedly. Russia tried to look closer.

"Mm, it looks like someone else." He pointed out.

"So it really is him..." England said. The figure slowly turned. He had a slightly psychotic grin upon his face and his violet eyes seemed to glow. And he...looked incredibly familiar.

"Oh! Hello, everyone!" The figure said, his voice tinged with what sounded like a nordic accent

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"Oh! Hello, everyone!" The figure said, his voice tinged with what sounded like a nordic accent. "Merry Christmas!"

"Uh...Merry Christmas to you, too." England said in reply, unsure of what to say.

"Is this another fake dream person just like Japan's?" France asked, glancing from the figure to England.

"No...He's real." The Brit answered. "I can see it. We have to be careful." So this was prisoner then. Perfect.

"Have you come to join me in celebrating this wonderful holiday?" The figure said, his smile growing even more.

"Tch. We don't have time for this nonsense." Germany said lowly. "Italy is dying and we're standing here talking to the Christmas crazy one. Let's just head out and try to find out where he is."

"Ssh!" England shushed him, glaring over at Germany. "He can hear you!" The figure was already moving towards them.

"I don't care! We need to move into action, not gawk at Kringle!" Germany yelled. 

"Germany, that is not fair. It may not be Italy, but he has the right to be free, too." Japan said sternly, taking Germany by surprise. "And if England is right about him being real, it's up to us to save him." The figure tilted his head, a confused look.

"Save me? Save me from what?" He asked.

"Save you from here!" Russia said, taking a step forwards. "You're under a spell by a dream demon. We're here to rescue you!" The figure looked only more confused, until breaking into laughter and smiling again.

"Haha, that's silly!" He said. "I'm not under a spell."

"It's not Christmas, Finland." England said firmly. "You can't stay here, you have to go home!"

"Finland? My name is Chariot." The man replied. The smile was growing more and more psychotic. "And it is Christmas! Not only is it Christmas today, but it's Christmas tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that! Around here, it's Christmas everyday! Isn't it wonderful?"

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