Chapter 51

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"As long as he stays pépé, his opinion seems to matter most." France said, as the others watched on a bit nervously. If Hierophant wasn't able to regain his sanity after both a fight and a speech from them, then what else could they do? 

"He's bluffing to get on Romano's side, what do we do?" Japan asked, voicing everyone's question. 

"....We expose who's the true liar." Spain said lowly, holding his lance up. Prussia gave him a confused look, almost questioningly.

"How do we do that?" He asked. 

"Like THIS!!" Spain yelled, holding his lance up higher. There was a huge flash of light from him and he ran right towards Rome, throwing the lance mid-run. Rome turned, right into the lance as there was yet one last flash of light.

And in the Ancient's place, there stood Italy, half of his face and arm covered in complete shadow.

"H-Huh?!" The Italy said, a bit startled at what Spain had done. 

"Ch-Che cosa!?!?" Hierophant yelled, backing away from the Italy in horror. "I...Italy?" 

"What just happened!?" Prussia ask-yelled, just as confused as the dream reaper and arcana. 

"Ah, so this was what he was planning." England said, almost in an amused manner.

"Oh?" France turned to the brit, eyebrow raised.

"Earlier on, he asked me to put a spell on his blade, one that could cancel out a certain magical property." England explained. "It was a one time spell, but now I see what he was up to. It's almost like he knew this would happen." The Italy, Reve, looked down at his hands, looking both shocked and a bit angry all at the same time.

"How...How am I Italy....I...." He murmured under his breath, barely audible. He suddenly realized Hierophant was still there, a plan instantly forming in his head, seemingly. ".....Fratello." 

"Italy..what...what has happened to you?" Hierophant asked, backing away slightly. "What the FUCK is all over you?" Reve gave Hierophant a confused look, looking down at himself confused.

"..All over me?" He repeated. "I don't see anything..." He shook his head, taking a step towards Hierophant with a wide, sharp-toothed smile. "But, please, fratello. I know I pretended to be grandpa Rome, that was a mean trick, but I know how much you loved him...and how much his opinion mattered to you! I just wanted you to feel loved and be happy!~" Reve held his arms out, as if he was a little child wanting a hug from his parents. "Because I love you so so much, even more than the potato bastard!"

Spain had run over to Hierophant, who most certainly didn't object. As Reve took yet another step towards them, the two stepped back, with Spain standing almost protectively in front of Hierophant.

"Please don't turn me away, fratello." Reve said, nearly begging. Hierophant just looked at Reve, almost disguested, before looking to Spain.

"...You were right all along...he was lying...." He said, almost in an ashamed tone. 

"Yes, and that means I wasn't." Spain said, glancing right back over to him. "I was being completely truthful. You're the most important thing in the world to me, Romano. And if no one else cared about you, they wouldn't be here trying to save you." 

"I suppose so...." Hierophant said, looking away and not meeting Spain's eyes. 

" have to wake up..." Spain said, quietly. Hierophant just ran a hand through his hair, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath.

"Romano..." He repeated, as there was a single flash of light from him. "That name belongs to me. I'm starting to remember..."

"F-Fratello!! Please!!" Reve yelled, looking terrified now. He ran to the italian, only to be knocked back by Hierophant, whom had summoned his cross once more.

"Begone unholy demon!" He ordered the dream reaper. "Or the power of Christ will fucking compel you!" 

"D...D-Demon? ...Fratello..." Reve said, shaking and backing away a step. "You don't really mean that..." The cross began to glow slightly, as Hierophant looked even more enraged.

"I said BEGONE, you fucking monster!" He yelled, louder than before. Reve looked too shocked for words. He tried walking closer to Hierophant, but the arcana just knocked him away and into the wall with his now glowing cross.

"A...m-monster?" Reve repeated, falling onto his knees. "...but...But all I've done is just love you...I just...want you to love me...I'm not a monster.." He covered his face with his hands, as if he was about to break down into tears. "Why...Why does this happen? Why can't anyone love me...No matter what I do....they always leave me....why can't they just stay? I love them...I love all of them...I try...I try so hard...I'm....not a demon...I'm n-not a monster....I....I just...." He gave a small sniff, his shoulders beginning to shake. Before he suddenly began sobbing, not wailing like a small child, but a quiet sob. "....looove meee....soomeoone....aanyoone....pleeaase....looove meee...." The sobbing never got louder. He just sat there on his knees, eyes covered by his hands as tears slowly slid out.

"...What should we do?" France asked. "He's busy crying." 

"Let's try to get quietly out of here, for now that's all we can do." England said. "Let's just hope he doesn't notice us." 

"Good idea." Germany agreed. He made motions to the others, signalling for them to begin trying to leave. 

"Come on Romano, we're getting out of here." Spain said, putting a hand on Hierophant's shoulder. 

"Fine. But could you carry me?" Hierophant asked, sounding more like his usual...grumpy self. "I don't have any shoes on and the ground is fucking freezing." 

"Of course~" Spain said, clearly happy to hear him back to normal. "I--" There was a huge flash of light as the italian's robes suddenly were replaced by his normal tan outfit. "....Or not."

Romano has joined your party!

"Let's go." Germany said.

And the group finally moved out of the room, leaving Reve still there and still sobbing. Alone once again.

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