Chapter 52

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The group gathered outside of the main chambers of the chruch, right back out into the stained glass window hall. As the door closed, they heard Reve's sobs clearly for a few last seconds. Before nothing but the peaceful silence of the hallway.

"..Mm...I feel really sorry for him." Canada said in a hushed tone, looking over his shoulder at the grand doors (which were thankfully shut) behind them. "Despite everything, he just wanted us happy."

"Don't." Japan said, rather coldly. "After all he had done, he does not deserve our sympathy." Germany honestly felt like saying something, until Russia pointed something out.

"Hmm, is it just me, or do I feel like there's someone missing?" Canada instantly turned to the Russian, arms crossed and pouting slightly as if to say 'I'm right here'. "No, not you. Someone else." Russia corrected himself, shaking his head.

"Huh? But everyone's here!" America said, even taking a mental headcount. 

"....Not everyone." Germany said, finally noticing it as well. America was just about to ask what it was, when the thing burst right through one of the windows marked '19'. The figure, landed right in front of them, skidding slightly and holding himself up using his battleax.

"YOU!!" Sun yelled, completely livid. 

"Ayyeee!! I thought you took care of him!" Spain yelped, nearly jumping back into Austria. Sun struggled to point his battleax at them, holding his side tightly with his free hand.

"Release Hierophant at once, or your punishment will be your head!" Sun declared. Romano clenched his fists, stomping forwards and right to the arcana.


"Yes, my Lord?" Sun instantly lowered his battleax, attempting to even stand at attention. Romano just crossed his arms, before sighing and walking closer to him to put a hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay, I'm going with these people from now on." He explained, in a much more gentler tone than he had certainly ever used with any one of the nations currently with him. "You're free to go or come with us." 

"But, my Lord--" Sun began. Romano just held up a hand to silence him, looking a bit more stern than before.

"Hey, we're kinda in a hurry here and I don't want to deal with this back and forth bullshit." He said, now in his normal tone once again. "Either you're in or you're out, what's it going to be?" Sun narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking for a moment.

"Hmm....Well--" The entire ground began to shake violently, and the door nearly flew open. An unearthly shriek followed it, along with a huge gust of wind.

"Merde, he noticed us!" France exclaimed, as those closest to the door slowly began to back away from it. In that moment, Sun suddenly seemed to make the decision. He stepped forwards, holding his axe tightly while giving Romano a determinded look.

"Mm; all of you, go!" He ordered. 

"What?" Romano said, actually blinking in surprise. 

"This building is very old, it will come down at any moment." Sun informed them, just as the entire building gave an almighty shake. "I will distract the beast in the sanctuary to make sure you get out safely." 


"Don't worry, I know you're in a hurry and don't have time for this back and forth." Sun said. "Farewell, my lord. Be safe." Without waiting for the italian's response, he walked past him and towards the door. However, before he had gotten halfway there, he stopped next to Spain, not turning to look at him.

"Blessed be your travels." He said simply. "Treat him well." 

"Thank you. And I will." Spain replied, nodding. Sun couldn't help but smile slightly, giving a short nod as well.

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