Chapter 23

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Let France get him
Go get him yourself

You choose: Let France get him

America stood down, silent still. France walked over to Temperance, slapping him across the face.

"Canada, snap out of it. You're acting like a child!" France scolded. Temperance took a step back, touching the spot on his face France has slapped shakily.

"That's a little cruel." Japan commented. America clenched his fists tight, running over and pushing the frenchman away from his brother.

"France! Stop!" He yelled, standing in front of Temperance protectively. "He is not acting like a child! He's just..." He glanced back at his brother. "Lonely." Temperance just looked back at him, silent. "He's just a kind soul who has been pushed back and forgotten by all of us, who tries his hardest yet still gets nothing." America turned to face him, tears springing to his eyes. "I'm sorry for not being there like the brother I'm supposed to be. I didn't even realize how important you were to me until there was a chance I could lose you." Temperance's eyes had also begun to fill with tears. "But...if you want to stay here with your ideal me...I won't stop you. I just want you to be happy." America turned, walking back to the door. The others simply gave him room, just shocked.

"America, wait, if you leave him here then he'll-" England began.

"It's his decision. Not mine." America cut him off. There was a sudden soft laugh behind him, catching them all off guard.

"....America...that's all I ever wanted to hear." America turned, surprised to see Temperance smiling at him, wiping a tear from his eye. There was a quick flash of yellow light from him.

"...Did you just call me America?" America asked. Temperance took a step forwards, holding his hands out.

"It's all starting to come back to me..." He said. "...and all my life I never heard you say anything so sweet before. You really do care about me." America walked back over to him, smiling. But it wasn't his normal, cocky smile. It was a genuine smile of pure happiness.

"Of course I do! You're my brother, I always love you even if I don't show it." America said. "Though I really should." Temperance laughed again.

" least you're trying. And I'll try harder to be more involved and noticed." He promised. "We're not the best brothers, but we can be if we tried."

"Ahem." France cleared his throat, making the two brothers jump. America turned, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh, right! And everyone else cares about you, too." America pointed out. "If they didn't care they wouldn't have come along to save you." Temperance looked mildly surprised and pleased.

"Really? Oh..Thank you, all of you." He said. "I'm sorry for trying to kill you all." Russia waved it aside, smiling.

"It's water under the bridge, don't worry about it." He said. 

"So...Do you still go by Temperance in here?" America asked.  His brother shook his head, his smile seeming to grow wider.

"Oh, no." He said. There was another flash of light as his clothes changed. He was now wearing his normal winter coat, his glasses and goggles back on his face and head. "My name is Canada."

Canada has joined your party!

The ground shook once, causing them all to stumble slightly.

"What was that??" Russia asked. There seemed to be a crash from somewhere far off.

"It's a tremor just like in the factory, this place is being destroyed!" England exclaimed. America grabbed his brother's hand.

"Come on, Canada, let's get out of here!" He yelled. Canada nodded, looking worried as well.

"Okay!!" He said. And they all ran out, right back into the ice caves.

WOOO. I actually teared up writing this! These two are just so....DAW!!! See you all in our next chapter! >w<

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