Chapter 4: Turmoil of the past

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Chapter 4

Shion returned to his daily life, he had quit his job at the restaurant and found another one a little distance away at a convenience shop as a storage manager where he wouldn't need to show his face. He peacefully went about his days as though nothing was wrong; however, there was a very heavy imprint of Orion on his heart. He tried everything he could to avoid the man like the plague. He had found the friend who had told Orion about his whereabouts and now completely avoided them. Thankfully, he didn't know those friends well. So they wasn't aware of where he lived or worked, but it was enough that he knew what course he was doing. Shion very carefully selected his workplace and friends after that. He made sure to steer clear of any friends that knew the actor. The only thing he didn't change after his ordeal was his apartment. He had been there for about five years and had become attached to it. If he could help it, he wouldn't go and change to a different apartment. Avoiding Orion wouldn't permanently change anything, but he had enough faith that Orion wasn't that interested in him. They had met. He'd had his fun, so there was no need to meet each other again.

Orion had searched high and low for the taxi that had taken Shion away. When he had browsed through the security camera footage, he found that the number plate on the taxi had just been covered. He had rung the company and they had denied any knowledge of such a customer. He had gone back to his friends. They told him which university Shion went to, but could not remember which course he studied though they had been told before. Orion had spent a few days sitting in his car outside the university waiting for Shion; however, Shion didn't appear. A few times he had felt hope when he saw someone with long, dark hair exit the campus, but it was never the person he was searching for. Orion chuckled, there was a saying that went 'the more you search for something, the more it will slip from your fingers'. There was no better way to describe his current situation than now.

Back in his apartment, Shion stared at a picture. The picture showed two smiling young men with an arm around each others' neck. The picture could be said to be one of friendly nature and made one curious when they realized that one man was avoiding the other like the plague and the other searched desperately for the former. The people in the photo were Orion and himself from when they were in high school. For Shion, those had been pleasant and difficult years where he worked to achieve the grades that he wished. He enjoyed tranquility where it was avaliable and cherished it when it was possible. Contrary to Shion's high school life, Orion was constantly swarmed by women. He did fairly well in school, but was still far from scoring near Shion. Girls surrounded him since his father was the CEO of a fairly famous international business. Women clung to him in hopes of biting into a portion of the fortune. At that time, Orion hadn't cared. He wanted to be free of his responsibilities and enjoy his life as a student. The pair had met on the roof of the school building. Shion was lounging on a few cushions he had nipped from the reception and library against the wall in the shade when Orion saw him for the first time. He had laughed uncontrollably at the picture. Shion lounged on the cushions like an Arabian prince waiting to be fed grapes. He was just missing the glamorous women and the grapes to complete the picture. After that Orion appeared on the roof often. Orion wanted to escape the constant gaggle of girls at his heels while Shion wanted a few moments of peace to himself. They coexisted well and Shion hadn't cared that Orion was the son of a powerful figure or that his appearance could rival that of a top ranked star, he just wanted to talk and appreciate him as a person.

At some point, Shion realized how comfortable being around Orion was. He spent almost all his time together with him. The pair had gone bowling together, played video games together, crashed parties together, studied together everything they did, they usually did together. His body had first developed odd sensations to Orion's presence and then his mind had realized that...he liked this man. He hadn't accepted it to begin with. He had always known himself to be heterosexual. When faced with the fact that that might not be so, his panicked self had avoided Orion for a week. Orion had felt it strange after three days that Shion had not contacted him. He went to his house and asked for him. When Orion entered Shion's room as he had many times before, he had come across Shion with an appearance as though he had a hard time accepting reality. Orion had never seen Shion so vulnerable. He had known Shion for nearly four years and had never seen Shion so weak. The urge to protect his friend rose within him along with something more.

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