Chapter 28: What should I do?

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Chapter 28: Unedited - written while super sleep deprived (sorry)

As the pair neared the entrance to the cafeteria, they noticed the level of noise that was originally fairly high, had now decreased a few times. The originally loud ruckus was now quite enough to hear other's breathe. Orion's eyes shot around the cafeteria as the lady that led them there guided them towards an area with far fewer tables than the other areas. As they neared a particularly quiet area the cafeteria, it was obvious why the employees had suddenly quietened down. The employees were curious about the identity of the patrons that would sit at the oddly decorated table in the corner of the hall.

Had Orion been in a private area, he would have gagged.

"You like this kind of decoration? If you do we're going to have some trouble making preparations," Orion exhaled.

"Nonsense, my father thinks this is what a healthy twenty four year old female should like. It's got nothing to do with my taste," Classara retorted.

Pink. There was pink absolutely everywhere. The table was pink. The tiles had been covered with pink. The damn food was pink. As if to add insult to injury, hearts overlay the pink. Giant red hearts sprinkled around the pink. All that was missing was a rainbow and fifty unicorns.

"I'd rather not eat here. The décor is a little distasteful to say the least," Orion muttered.

"Let's go grab some regular food and eat at one of the more normal tables. We were only ordered to eat lunch after all. Never were we told to eat at a bright pink table. This is meant to be a date of sorts, not a children's tea party," huffed Classara.

After a complete agreement, the pair immediately turned around to walk in the other direction of the serving area.

"Two of set A, please," Classara said when she reached the beginning of the serve line.

Orion looked up. Set A was a simple sandwich with a large cup of coffee. Fitting for a business area. Carrying a tray of food, they moved to sit down at a small, normal table slightly detached from the rest of the dining room.

In the security room, Classara's father was jumping up and down in frustration.

"I purposely got all that together. What's the girl doing!" he yelled.

In an earlier conversation with some of the worker in his company, he had specifically researched what some young ladies liked in today's day and age to set up a simple plan to win over Orion's stomach.

When he asked his many employees anonymously over the net through a group e-mail, he found that most people found that a lot of females liked pink and romance. So, he incorporated their ideas into his plan. The table was bright pink with a touch of romance in all the hearts.

What he'd forgotten was that his worked were younger than he was. That meant that many of his workers were referring to their own five or six year old daughters.

He cried invisible tears as he watched Classara eat an extremely unromantic meal with Orion. The entire sandwich took only minutes to devour before the pair returned to their tour. Classara's father was itching to hear some their conversation, but all his audio equipment had been stuck underneath the pink table. Even if he'd had audio though, it would have been impossible to hear anything because there was nothing to hear. The entire meal was eaten in silence, save for minor sounds chewing and swallowing.

Carrying her coffees around, Classara took Orion into the inner areas of the company such as the human resources sector and the general management sector. Over some time, the coffee managed to hit Orion's system. He excused himself to go to the bathroom. During this time, the lady who'd previously told Classara to attend to lunch insisted upon passing an ear piece to Classara. By the time Orion returned, the lady had left; however, he noticed the new addition to Classara's ear. As they continued walking, a mysterious object caused her to trip. As she fell, she panicked slightly and fell to the side. Classara felt the air moving quickly beside her, and braced herself for the impact she would receive when falling. As she fell, an elegant arm wrapped itself around Classara's waist. Classara's face flushed red with anger and humiliation. She was close to swearing into the earpiece until she heard some crackling from the other end.

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