Chapter 25: Marriage takes two

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Chapter 25:

He turned to the doctor he was talking to, to finish discussing Shion's options. Slightly abusing his power, Orion had Shion admitted into hospital for the night to monitor his mental state. Only after he'd settled his biggest concern did he turn back to the awaiting Shion who so expectedly sat on the hospital bed waiting for an answer.

"Shion is this the time to be talking about this? You need to heal up first before we start talking. I don't know anything about what happened to your family," Orion hushed.

"My family went bankrupt because you withdrew all their funding! If you were going to withdraw all the finding, why did you bother helping us in the first place?" Shion screamed.

Orion's thoughts swirled within his mind as he replied in an unapologetic manner, "Your parents went bankrupt?"

Shion paused for a moment. He knew for a fact that Orion wasn't one to lie about more important matters. Did he truly not know what happened to his family.

"I don't have any control over who the company decides to trade with, so I couldn't possibly have cut off the cooperation. We'll talk about it later. For the time being heal up first ok, Shion?"

Shion slumped back down onto the hospital bed. He didn't have any idea what was happening anymore. As he was grieving over his own loss of direction, a thought suddenly his him.

"What happened to Lebanoski?" Shion asked.

Orion grit his teeth as a murderous expression crossed his thunderous face.

"He got out of surgery not too long ago. It's a pity he survived," Orion grit through his teeth.

He had hoped so badly that that disappointment to the human race would die while they were jabbing him with scalpels.

As dark, homicidal thoughts spun through his mind, he felt a vibration from his pocket. He drew out his phone and signalled to Shion who nodded curtly at him. As Orion left the room, Levi walked in with a large bunch of flowers and a fruit basket. He sat down beside the hospital bed and began using a knife to peel an apple.

"You said he wasn't going to be able to find me," Shion stated accusingly.

"The fact that only Orion and I have our fingerprints programmed into the door lock would tell you something wouldn't it. If he didn't release you, then it had to be me. Let's not forget about that fact that you printed out a stack of pictures and made a dinner from ingredients that didn't just appear out of thin air," Levi retorted.

"If you knew you'd be caught, why did you agree to being my partner in crime?"

"Because, originally it wouldn't matter if I was caught. Orion isn't the one who hires me. Naturally it would have been better that he never finds out that I had anything to do with your disappearance, but he was bound to catch on. Maybe it would have been as fast if you'd trashed the door instead of leaving a nice meal set on the table?"

Shion looked away guiltily.

"He wasn't happy about my disappearance was he?"

"No. Definitely not, but because you disappeared, he finally seemed to notice how much I look after him. The day I took you here, I assigned another manager to him for that day. He didn't take it well; the pair were hours behind an easy set schedule by the time I came got back. I had to repair his schedule for days after that, and he wouldn't let me hear the end of it. It appears that I'm the only one that can take care of his incompetent ass. The rest of the world can only stand looking at his pretty face."

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