Chapter 27: Flowers and Food

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Chapter 27:

"Lily!" a tall, blonde lady cried as she ran towards a sweet-looking, baby-faced woman.

"Classara? What are you doing here?" Lily asked.

"What am I doing here? I'm here to see you obviously. I haven't seen you in thirty-six hours, and that's thirty-six hours too long for me!" confessed Classara shamelessly.

"Oh, Classara, you make that sound like you need to be surgically attached to me," Lily laughed.

"That would be nice. I wouldn't mind if that were to happen."

"Geez, Classara, what are you actually doing here?"



"Well, I'm here to woo you."

"Woo me? Classara we've been secretly dating for three years already. What do you mean by woo me?"

"I meant what I said. We're hatching an earth-shattering plan right now. I just need the person herself to agree to it."

"Plan? What do you mean by we?"

A large grin spread over Classara's face. She reached out a hand to ruffle the petite woman's hair. Just seeing Lily was enough to blow away all the day's stress out the window. Lily had this calming atmosphere around her that nobody had ever managed to capture. She loved Lily with all her heart. The thought of being able to marry this amazing woman made her heart beat out of control. As she gazed at the Lily who was pondering in her own world, her phone vibrated from her the pocket of her jacket.

As she picked up, she heard a voice ring out a few tens of decibel too loud for her liking.

"Classara! Where have you gone! When you're working, you're not to go running off to party. Get back to the party at once!" her father yelled over the line.

Classara sighed and hung up without answering her father's demands.

Lily pat her on the back, and with a slight smile, she giggled and said, "Sounds like you're getting it now. Hurry back to the company. You can't be cooped up with us commoners all day after all. If your dad found out he'd murder me."

Turning on the puppy eyes, Classara pitifully looked at Lily. Lily laughed and shook her head.

"Door, Classara, hurry to back to the company."

"Then kiss."

Lily blushed furiously at Classara's shameless request.

"Why do I have to kiss you!" Lily avoided bashfully.

"You don't want to?" Classara asked with upturned eyes.

With such a pitiful expression scrawled across her face, Lily couldn't defend herself against Classara's shamelessness. Lily reached over and lightly pecked Classara over the cheekbone. It wasn't the adult kiss that Classara had been hoping for, but seeing Lily squirm with an apple red face comforted her heart. She squealed internally as she watched Lily twist and turn adorably where she stood. A tight hug later and she emerged from the regular four roomed house along a regular street in a regular neighbourhood. Lily wasn't any special millionaire, they'd met at a bar after Classara had had far too many drinks. At that time, it was definitely Lily to the rescue. When they became closer, Lily was Classara's constant guard. She made sure Classara didn't consume copious amounts of alcohol, and was able to safely make it back home every time without fail. Now, three years later, Lily was Classara's secret girlfriend. When she thought of being able to marry the amazing woman that had saved her from embarrassing situations more times than could be counted, she could only giggle and wag her phantom tail vigorously in anticipation.

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