Chapter 9: Grasping Air

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Chapter 9:

Pedestrians watched as neatly groomed men scattered from their original position leaving only a man who was obviously of much higher calibre than the others. His handsome appearance drew in a crowd, and while many did recognize him as an international star, none dared approach him. The aura he was exuding made one feel as if they were suffocating and gasping for air under the immense pressure that could be seen welling within his eyes. From afar, many people were already taking photos of the star that guarded his privacy like a hawk. Today though, photos didn't seem to bother him. He had set himself a goal, and regardless of what photos were taken today, he would accomplish that goal. He wanted only one thing. His childhood friend who'd disappeared for the second time in his lifetime. If he could help it, there wouldn't be a third.

His tall, lean silhouette moved in the direction that Shion had last been seen. His steps were neither fast nor slow, as if he were just taking a stroll. Men in black with omnious weapons at their hips walked beside Orion as he slowly made his way through crowd after crowd of confused yet adoring fans. One of the men by his side talked on a phone to a man who claimed to have seen Shion outside his news stand trying to extract as much information from his as possible. As he continued to listen to the conversation that his supposedly competent employee was carrying out with a stranger, Orion grew agitated from the constant denial of information. He grasped the phone and proceeded to roar into the speaker. The words he spoke were neither pleasant nor becoming of a man of his calibre. Foul words slotted between lethal threats dotted the colourful conversation between the Orion and the caller.

Eventually, Orion was able to extract enough to make out that Shion had ripped a chunk of human flesh from someone's arm and disappeared. Making the most of modern technology, he ordered men to close in on the area that Shion was last seen. A reply came from his phone. One of his men had arrived at the crime scene; however, there was no sign of the missing Shion within sight. Within minutes, all the men from Orion's search party arrived at the area. All the evidence of Shion having been there remained on the ground covered in blood that soaked into the ground and surrounded by police. Again, Orion sent the men to search the area for traces of his missing friend. He paced around the area to search for areas that Shion would have fled to for safety. No matter where he looked though, he couldn't visualize Shion residing in any of the squalid motels or shops for safety. The Shion he remembered from high school liked to keep impeccably clean; knowing he could have fallen to such a low standard of living made Orion's heart fill with emotions he couldn't identify. He walked by shattered glass, dusty receptions, filthy restaurants and odorous dumpsters until he came across an abandoned theatre. Compared to the rest of town, the theatre appeared to have a different air to it. The theatre had chipping paint  and once elegant structures bordering it. It possessed an intelligent yet fading choice of colour. Despite begin abandoned, the area was relatively clean indicating that someone cleaned it or used it regularly for unknown purposes. Though an abandoned theatre was a far cry from what Orion could imagine Shion sheltering in, his disappearance was too quick to have escaped any further.

Taking long strides into the dusty theatre, Orion came across the traditional model of a theatre. An ancient red drape hung from hinges that looked close to breaking while tapestries decorated a once glorious wall, and bits of cement fell from platforms that once resided hundreds of members the audience. He ran his hand over the grey wall and inhaled the musty scent that resided in the air. Turning his head to look left and right, a barely noticeable spark of colour lay curled up in a chair near the exit almost completely hidden from view. Orion approached the strangely vibrant navy grey that contrasted with the faded colours of the theatre. Curled up in foetal position was a male holding a grey backpack close to his chest with a hoodie covering his face. Orion was moving to uncover the mysterious man when his phone vibrated. Instantly, Orion fished out his phone.

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