Chapter 13: To eat or to starve?

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A/N please note: this is the 13th chapter not the 12th. If you missed the release 0f the 12th, it's advisable to read that chapter prior to reading this chapter

Chapter 13:

The night passed peacefully with each to their own bed. Shion tossed and turned throughout the night until the first rays of morning emerged through the window. He rose when he figured he'd tossed enough for the night. He caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror as he was brushing his teeth. Long, unkempt hair framed his face while dark bags circled his eyes. Dead eyes stared back at him from his reflection as he observed very obvious signs of sleeplessness from himself. Sighing, Shion dragged himself in and out of the shower before heading back into his room to dress. He was a prisoner in Orion's apartment, so there was no need to dress to impress; however, if he dressed in clothing that was difficult to remove, Orion might just not push his advances to far. As he searched through the closet provided though, there just wasn't any such clothing. He dressed in a complicated, yet long shirt that hung loosely around him and boxers. After dressing, Shion headed out to the kitchen area where he groaned when the clock beeped the time to him. Six o'clock, there was no need for him to be up nearly this early, but he was already up, so he might as well stay up.

Shion stalked tiredly to a cupboards and peeked into every one to see what was available. Canned and packaged foods presented themselves to him in the cupboards while frozen and pre-made meals greeted him from the fridge. There wasn't a single item of fresh food in sight. There was, however, a baffling number of iced coffees and bottled waters though. Noting the absence of anything edible in his eyes, Shion slammed the fridge door closed. He sat down on the couch and closed his eyes. Six in the morning was really too early for Shion. He drifted off on the couch blissfully unaware as a pair of gentle hands carried him back to his own room.

Just as Orion was placing down Shion on the bed, he heard the main door to his apartment turn open. Shoes were removed and footsteps were quickly heard, followed by the clicking of a door as it opened. A pause for a moment before the door to the guest room slammed open.

"Orion! You were contacted by the director you've been eyeing, Luca Devonelle. He wants to discuss a new movie with you, so I set up a dinner with him five days from today," Levi happily screeched as he bounded around the bed.

Orion felt an unexplainable trace of anger as he stood up and watched Shion's lashes flutter open in confusion. Shion looked confusedly around first, the tiredness in his face was painfully obvious as he blinked. He spotted Levi and instantly took three large steps into the bathroom where he locked himself inside. He looked down with a red face. He was dressed in only an oversize shirt and underwear. He didn't enjoy being observed by others when he was in such a humiliating outfit. Shion could not even recall who that person was. He had never seen him before, but if he had access to Orion's apartment, he had to be someone important. From memory, Orion disliked anyone coming too close to what belonged to him. What belonged to him, he would be fiercely protective of, but what didn't belong to him, he wouldn't care about.

While Shion's thinking was going further and further from his initial point, Levi, who had originally been bounding around the apartment stared at Orion with his jaw hanging wide open.

"That was a guy right? Does your bottom half have no boundaries? At least make it a woman, wouldn't you" Levi asked exasperatedly.

Orion shrugged and cocked his head before heading out. Levi followed him out while casting a glance back at the locked bathroom door.

Shion, locked in the bathroom, slid to the ground. So he was a nuisance then. He was a nuisance to everyone but Orion. In fact, he was probably a nuisance to him too, but Orion wasn't willing to release the past yet. He laughed quietly at how pathetic he was. He heard the footsteps move to the lounge outside the bedroom and moved back to the bedroom where he slumped onto the bed and lay there. His stomach protested; however, Shion was unwilling to face whoever that man was face to face. He couldn't proudly tell the world he was Orion's lover as much as he wanted to because Orion wasn't his to claim.

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