Chapter 1: A Predetermined Meeting

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Chapter 1

Shion mindlessly wiped the table while staring at the television. On the screen was a young man, a rising star that went by the name of Orion, accepting the best new actor award. His elegant fingers gently gripping the golden trophy as he bent over to plant a light kiss on both sides of the presenter's cheeks. The woman who was at the privilege of receiving a peck on both checks, blushed to the very roots of her hair. On stage, very subtly, Orion's shoulders shook in laughter ever so slightly.

Shion sighed, it had always been Orion's personality to toy with people's emotions. No doubt the poor lady must be swooning while imagining images of Orion and herself tangled between bedsheets. Shion shook his head and continued to clean the table. He collected the remaining beer glasses onto a tray and proceeded back to the kitchen. On his way back, he heard the sound of restless conversation from behind him. He turned. There, standing four feet away from him was the same good-looking man that had been on screen just moments before. Despite wearing sunglasses to hide some of his face, it was still difficult to cover up the regal presence of the awe-inspiring male. Shion's arms shook violently. The breath that meant to fill his lungs, suddenly disappeared. His lungs felt depraved of much-needed oxygen. Shion hastily placed the tray of glasses onto an unused table for no amount of trembling would prevent the glasses from falling off. He stood rooted to the spot, unable to speak, unable to respond to his presence. There was no way he could mistake that man for someone else. It was him, had to be him, there was no way it couldn't be him.

The ethereal, long-limbed man that stood four feet from him abruptly took graceful steps towards Shion. His eyes were filled with an aura of wildness and rebellion. He took a hold of Shion's hand.

"What time do you get off, Shion?" he whispered brashly.

There were no greetings, no pleasantries, no smile, just a long, hard stare filled with an indescribable profoundness.

"Let me go, Orion. I finish in ten minutes at nine o' clock. People will stare if you keep holding on, so kindly release me," Shion hissed in return.

Orion released Shion's hand and sat down. His piercing gaze never left Shion even as he continued to the kitchen with his tray. For Shion, the ten minutes to nine o' clock were an agonizing ten minutes. For Orion, it was even more so. Shion could feel the sheer, unbridled intensity residing within Orion's deep mahogany eyes boring straight through him. He grit his teeth, and desperately cleaned an immecably clean table to get his mind off of what was soon to come. At the exact moment that the long hand of the clock reunited with the twelve, Orion stood up and took great strides towards Shion expectantly.

Shion, having known Orion's personality better than most, knew Orion's train of thought. Upon seeing Orion come close to him, Shion immediately made a mad dash for the kitchen. Safe by mere seconds, Shion heaved a sigh of relief and headed towards the lockers. The other waiters looked oddly at Shion, but didn't ask him anything. Shion silently thanked them for not asking. He removed his uniform and drew on his vlack, V-necked shirt and form-fitting jeans. For a while, Shion had a sudden strong desire to combust and cease from existence. Orion was here, but what was he here for? It had been so long already. They basically had no relationship with each other now, so what did he want?

A bead of sweat rolled down his forehead as he slowly lifted one leg over the next to slowly make his way to the door. His fingers touched he back door as he used some force to push it open. No one was standing there with arms crossed and fury spread across his face. Shion was ecstatic. Orion never let an escape route exist once he'd set his mind on something. Not seeing him in front of the rear door was a blessing in itself. With renewed feeling of relief, Shion skipped out of the alley that the rear door was situated in. His momentary feeling of relief was really just that, momentary. The scene that Shion came to were long legs spanning the width of the narrow alley, arms arrogantly folded across an impeccably spotless white shirt and silky black hair blowing in the gentle night wind. Dread quickly replaced what was left of the former relief. Shion stepped unsteadily towards the sole exit. He attempted to curl through the tangle of arms and legs that stood haughtily in his way. Managing to disentangle himself from his taller counterpart, Shion felt a surge of strength as he tensed his muscles in preparation to dash away. He had only taken his first step when a tight grip enclosed his delicate wrist. Shion sighed, this overbearing man would never let his goal slip away. His very visage on the television screen proved the level of his ambitions.

"Come with me. Was disappearing once already not enough for you?" Orion hissed gruffly.

Shion chewed on his bottom lip and looked inductively at Orion.

Long, seductive fingers grasped Shion's upper arms and dragged him to a sleek silver Volvo. Orion opened the door and a slight kick behind Shion's knee saw him falling straight onto the smooth leather seats. The door slammed shut, trapping Shion inside. Orion strode to the driver's side and promptly gunned the engine.

In the darkness that blanketed the city, a silver Volvo sliced through the night. 

"How did you find me?" Shion asked stiffly.

"You covered most of your tracks, but you left a channel open," Orion whispered.

"Which channel?" Shion probed.

"Your friends, my friends and our mutual friends," Orion stated starkly.

The rest of the drive went by in silence. Slowly, the surroundings started becoming less and less familiar to Shion. He was in an area he didn't recognize at all. Nervousness was surging in waves within his heart. He didn't fear Orion, but he felt a foreshadowing of what was to come. The drive lasted for about half an hour. Shion still hadn't turned his head at the end of the half hour to look at Orion. It wasn't until the Volvo was parked in an expensive looking apartment block that Orion briskly left the car, pulling Shion along with him. Silence stilled in the elevator as Shion awkwardly stared at his reflection in the sleek black marble that encompassed the unnecessarily luxurious lift.

Twenty-four levels later, in a penthouse of one of the best apartment blocks in the city, Shion overlooked an aerial view of the city. The ever changing twinkling lights reflected uncertainty in his heart. The  secure barrier surrounding Shion's heart had long since been crumbling away bit by bit since the moment he had seen that perfect face glaring at him intensely at the bar.

"Was playing with me fun? Why did you disappear?" Orion articulated.

"There was no space for me beside you," Shion responded.

"That isn't for you to decide! You cut off all contact with your family and friends for such a simple reason!" roared Orion.

"Was that all you needed today? I have uni tomorrow, I'm leaving," uttered Shion.

"I never said you could go, Shion," Orion grit.

"I'll let myself out," Shion murmured.

Shion turned around towards the door and began taking large strides to the door. Freedom once again forsake him as Orion took Shion's wrist in an iron hold.

"I said...I never let you leave," Orion hissed.

a/n (author's note): I won't ben leaving footnotes often since there isn't going to be quotes translated from different languages (I read a lot of translated stuff if you can't tell), but you may occasionally come across the rare a/n. This is to explain something that isn't widely'he had eyes, but could not see' ...meaning...he couldn't identify something obvious. It's an Asian quote. Also, I didn't explain this to begin with becuase it would probably cause preconceived notions, English is my second language, so please cut me some slack >.<.

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