Chapter 8: From Blood To Blood

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Chapter 8

Not having to wake up at all unholy hours of the morning for class was something new for Shion. He never thought he'd enjoy it as much as he did. It was well past noon by the time he got up. Again, he searched for any information on his family and Orion. Luck was a really odd factor in this. There was no new information about Orion at all which was a good thing. A good thing if one disregarded the fact that the company Orion worked for could be biding their time to announce the star's death. As Shion searched, his finger grazed the can. Red began mixing with the oil and tuna. Shion sighed, he'd just wasted a perfectly good can of tuna. Now, not only would the entire room smell like the pungent fish, he also had nowhere to toss the can. Like all human beings, Shion was a little lazy and a little selfish...he flushed the remaining tuna down the toilet and the can was rinsed and thrown into the bin. He stared solemnly at his cut finger. The pain hadn't quite reach his nerves yet since it didn't really hurt, but the blood that dripped onto the tiles was slightly unsettling. This drop of blood was only one of many that existed in the room, so it didn't particularly matter, but the metallic smell wasn't pleasant.

Using toilet paper, Shion wrapped up his finger and decided to head out to purchase some band aids. Today was such an unlucky day for him. Within an hour of getting up, he'd already managed to cut his finger. He stalked out of the motel while swearing to buy a spoon before he returned. Skulking in the direction of the supermarket yesterday, Shion was able to identify where the pharmacy was and went in. While the blast of air conditioning was a blessing he couldn't help but savour, the uncaring sale assistant received far from the same opinion. She ushered Shion away to continue talking to her co-worker until Shion slammed a pack of bandages onto the counter. The sales assistant was startled by the sudden loud noise flying so high she could probably touch the roof without a problem. Chuckling at the sales assistant's visible rage, Shion giggled. He felt no pity for disrespectful people. Not to say that he was particularly respectful himself. A few days ago he brought a vase over someone's head, so no matter how hard he tried to deny it, it was he definitely wasn't one for manners. While he was chuckling at the assistance who had unfortunately garnered his wrath, what he failed to notice was that while the sales assistance didn't know him, she was staring at his face as if he were her long lost brother. The intensity behind that stare was quite staggering. He raised a brow, paid for the bandages and left the pharmacy; all while feeling an intense gaze piercing through him. Shion began the walk back to the motel; as he walked, he came across a new stand being set up on the corner of a little street. He walked towards it and purchased a paper. The ragged news stand owner's expression of suspicion when he stared at Shion as if he were trying to tear off the skin of his face.

Confused as he was, Shion wasn't one to dally around when he felt threatened. Grabbing ahold of the paper, he rushed in the direction to the motel when he quickly locked himself in again. He made a grab for his hat and thrust it on his head despite being indoors with all curtains drawn. The bag he held dropped to the floor when his legs gave out. Sitting on the menacingly cold tiles, Shion found himself trembling. Had the information begun to come out. Why was it that people were staring at him? He balled up his hands. The sound of scrunching brought him back to reality. He stared coldly at what had once been a newspaper, but was now a scrunched up mess that rested in his hand. After unravelling the glaring mess and smoothing it out to a readable format, Shion came across the reason for all the strange looks.

This time he didn't have enough languages to swear in. Right across the front page was a picture of him. An incredibly unflattering photo of him. In an ideal world, he would have been panicking, but in reality, he was complaining about the need to put such an unflattering photo of him on the front page of a newspaper. His grumbling stopped when he read the text that was in bold at the bottom of the picture. A missing person. He wasn't a missing person; he was a murder suspect. He scanned the rest of the page and his eyes lit up one moment and dimmed the next. The phone number that was listed underneath wasn't his mother's; it was one he had known fairly well since he was in high school. It was Orion's number. His eyes lit up in realization that he was no longer a murder suspect, but dimmed on the thought that he'd definitely have a grievous bodily harm charge hanging over his head.

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