Chapter 56: A new approach to intimacy

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*good job getting to the latest chapter Chrizza May*

Chapter 56:

A group of girls sat around at a table carefully discussing the latest gossip of high society.

"Did you hear? Apparently, Orion and Classara are getting engaged!" squealed a high-pitched voice.

"What! Such big news, how did I not hear about it?" gasped another.

"I know right! Orion and Classara too. Classara's not in the showbiz world though. We don't have much info on her," a third pitched it.

"From what I heard, she's an heiress to a pretty big company that's worthy of the Lukenlore fortune."

"Yeah, but there were rumours circling round the high-class circles saying that she wasn't into guys."

"What? She's likes girls," a long-haired brunette sniffed.

"What qualifications does she have to marry Orion then?" scoffed a dainty blonde.

"Oh please, we all know their families are pushing them into marriage. It confuses me that Orion would pick someone like her though. He should be able to choose between the hundreds of models throwing themselves at his bed. Why pick one that might be gay?" the last girl, a black-haired beauty scowled.

"He must have been forced. Easy women are constantly throwing themselves at his pants. Maybe his tastes changed. Remember, every week there was a scandal around him and some model. He was almost given the nick-name weekend lover because every weekend you'd see a new girl at his arm. A man like that, why would they settle with just woman? Of course, his dad is forcing him to settle. At his age he's juggling being in show biz and heir to Lukenlore. His family must be trying to wean him out of the showbiz world."

"That won't do. He's really good on screen. I love watching his movies. Such nice eye candy is rare to see. I can't believe he's going to some skank who can't appreciate him. What a waste."

"That isn't to say that he can't have a lover on the side though. I reckon they're getting married so that they can go outside and search for people they actually want to be with. You know, as soon as they pop out a kid they can go in separate directions."

"What a thing to say, Merri. What about you and your boyfriend? Are you going to split after popping out a set of Jack and Jill?"

"Of course not. I'm going to hang onto my man. Remember, I don't have disgusting preferences in partners."

"Come on, Hana. Don't insult Merri like that. Don't even joke around with things like sexual preference. The world isn't so accepting. What if one of those girls from Austra's clique get wind of our jokes and come pointing figures at us saying we're each other's lovers?"

Hana gagged, "Disgusting. Don't even say something like that."

"Good thing we know that us girls have a chance if Classara isn't normal."

The trio of girls nodded. In the end, it was to their benefit if Classara wasn't normal. They'd all have a chance at climbing into a big shots bed and becoming famous overnight.

Far away from the nasty gossip of the female population, were Orion and Shion who lay curled up together on the couch peacefully.

"This engagement party that you've told you father about..." Shion started.

"Hush. This engagement is a scam. It's a true engagement, but not between Classara and I. Lily will be there too. We can't come into the light yet. In the engagement stage, people can still object to our marriage and split up apart. On the actual day, I have no intention of letting people split us apart," Orion whispered in Shion's ear as he brushed a hand through the soft fluffy hair.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2019 ⏰

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