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Chani touches Rins arms every so slightky and says "you dont have to be afriad". Rin nods and with a smile she says "Im not". Inseong gently floats infront of her and says "as you say see, I can fly. Well float. I dont really know what youd call it exactly to be honest" and chuckles. Rin is amazed by this. She cant help but feel as if he's somewhat lying. But still she smiles.

Inseong floats back to his original spot. "Sometimes hes a show off with it"Hwiyoung jokes, "but my ability is electricity". "I thought we where going in order"Dawon says and Hwiyoung waves him off. Hwiyoung closes his mouth and eyes and the lights start flickering wildly. He opens them again and it stops. "Whoa"Rin exclaims with her mouth wide open.

Hwiyoung chuckles and Chani says "my turn!". "Go ahead"Zuho says with a nod. "My ability is to read minds"Chani says with a proud smile. "Oooh is that what you ment in at lunch?"Rin asks impressed. Chani nods and Zuho says "we weren't supposed to tell people but he blew it". Chanis face turns bright red and he looks down.

"My ability is fire"Jaeyoon says trying to break the small tension. Rin looks towards him and Jaeyoon smiles. His eyes turn bright red and he puts his hands out infront of him. A fire starts to emerge on his palms and Rin can feel the heat from it. Jaeyoons eyes go back to normal and the flames go away. "Oh my god"Rin says amazed.

Jaeyoon smiles and Rowoon breaks in and says "Im pretty lame. I have the ability to heal. Like I can fix a cut and bring plants back to live". "Can you fix this?" Rin asks then shows him her palm that has a slight paper cut on it. Rowoon touches it lightly and in seconds its gone. Rin looks at her palm in shock. "Thats pretty cool to be honest"she says. "Thanks"Rowoon says with a smile.

"I have the ability to control water"Youngbin says. Rin points her attention towards him and he holds out his hands. His eyes turn blue and a ball of water appears in his hands. His is the same as Jaeyoons except its with water. "Wow"Rin says with a huge smile.  Taeyang raises his hand and says "I can lift thing using my mind ".

Rin looks at him and Taeyang looks over at Hwiyoung. Hwiyoung starts floating in the air and he starts whining, "put me dooownnn". Hwiyoung then is plopped down on the ground gently. "Taadaa"Taeyang says proudly. "Mine is cooler"Dawon whines. "Whats yours?"Rin asks with curiosity. Dawon smirks then disappears from where Rin is looking.

She's confused but then feels a tap on her shoulder. She turns around and sees Dawon standing there. Startled she lets out a scream. "Peek-a-boo"Dawon says with a chuckle. "That is really cool oh my god"Rin says impressed. Dawon then disappears from behind her and she turns back around and sees him where he was originally. She lets out a slight chuckle.

"I just control the earth"Zuho says with a shrug. "Can you show me?"Rin asks with a smile. Zuho takes a deep breath then cracks the ground around him in the shape of a heart. "He's self centered sometimes"Chani whispers to Rin with a chuckle. The cracks go away and Zuho says "I heard that you dipshit". "Oops?"Chani says with a chuckle.

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