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"Imma say a few things" Rin says, while still looking out into the hall at a sleeping Dawon. "One, what do you think about what Inseong said? Two, do you know anything about Youngbin? And three, I think there is something very wrong with Dawon".

Rin chuckles at her last sentence then faces Chani. With a soft sigh, Chani sits on the bed. "Hes always thinking about how sexy you are. But he always thinks one thing over and over, 'I regret how I was to her'" Chani says. He doesnt want to keep anything from Rin but at the same time hes scared. Guess its too late to take back his words.

Rin sits next to him on the bed, not exactly knowing what to say. "About Inseong, he's harmless so Im sure he wont do anything to break us up or anything. So I wouldnt worry about that"Chani then adds. Rin nods slightly, deep in thought.

"Do you know why he reacted how he did when I told him I didnt want to be his girlfriend?"Rin asks, looking down at her lap. "He was mad but more at himself than you"Chani says and looks over at her. Silence fills the room as the two think to themselves.

Not being able to handle it, Chani looks down at his lap. "Please dont leave me for him"he whispers. Its still early in the relationship but he cants help but say it. Rin looks at Chani and gently places her hand ontop of his, "I wouldn't dare". Chani looks into her eyes and she kisses his lips softly.

A soft smile crosses his face. It puts him at ease a bit, but there is still a bit of worry in the back of his mind. "We should be heading to bed"Chani says a few seconds later. He stands up but Rin doesnt let go of his hand. "Please stay with me"she says.

Chani looks into the hallway then back at Rin. What harm could it do. Rin lays down on the bed and Chani next to her. He wraps his arms around her and Rin snuggles deep into his chest. The two of them fall asleep not soon after

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