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Rin runs past Yeri at the cafeteria and downstairs. She doesn't know where she wants to go but she knows she wants to just hide away from everyone.

She slows down and finds her way into the basement. Its filled with props for plays from the drama club. She sits on a chair in one of the corners and puts her face in her hands.

She just cries. She cant help it. She soon starts sobbing and shes glad no one is around to hear her.

Chani runs to the cafeteria and looks around. He cant see through all the people. He doesn't know where Rin is.

He sighs deeply and looks down. "Excuse me"he hears next to him and feels a tap on his shoulder.

His mouth closes and he looks towards the voice and sees a girl. "I-Im sorry"he faintly whispers, not wanting to get in trouble.

"Are you looking for Rin?"she asks. Chani nods and she continues, "Im pretty sure shes down in the basement. She goes there sometimes for some quite time".

Chani nods and runs towards the basement. He doesn't want Rin to be alone. He just wants to hug her and let her know that everything will be okay.

He stops running and quietly walks down the stairs into the basement. He hears sobbing and he knows shes here.

"Rin"he calls out. "P-please go away"Rin says as she tries to stop crying. Chani walks down the stairs and sees Rin sitting in a chair with her face in her hands. He walks over and crouches infront of her.

Slowly he moves her hand so she can look at him. "Its okay to cry infront of me"Chani says quietly. Tears continue to fall from Rins cheeks.

"Im sorry"Rin whispers. "You dont have to be sorry"Chani says in a comforting tone. "But I do!"Rin says loudly.

"Why?"Chani says, "you did nothing wrong. He kissed you. He was all over you. You finally spoke up and told him you didn't want to be his girlfriend. You did nothing wrong".

Rin slowly stops crying and shakes her head. "But I hurt him"she whispers. "He would have hurt you more if you didn't speak up"Chani says.

Rin looks in his eyes and Chani smiles softly. He wipes off tears from her cheeks. "I just want you to know something"Chani says a bit more seriously.

He gently holds her hand and she looks down at them. "You can always trust me, okay? I know we haven't known each other for long but you can trust me"Chani finally says after a few seconds.

Rin nods slightly and Chani then stands up. Rin looks up at him and he smiles. "Would you like to be alone? Or can I stay here?"Chani asks. "P-please stay"Rin whispers. Chani pulls up a chai infront of Rin and holds her hand again.

Rin sniffles and Chani chuckles slightly. "Are you hungry?"Chani asks. Rin nods and looks down at her lap.

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