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Warning: smut in this chapter js lol
Yall dont need to really read this chapter if you dont want to xD its kinda long

Everyone looks at Rin for her answer. Embarrassed and mad at him, her answer comes out without thinking, "Yes I do hate you. Youre a pig and I hate it whenever you touch or talk to me. Just stay away from me you bastard!". Silence fills the room once shes done.

"Well..."Youngbin says and takes a gulp of his drink, "good bye". He gets up and stumbles up the stairs, clearly drunk out of his mind. "Oh my god Rin"Inseong says with his mouth hanging open. Now realizing what she said, guilt washes over her.

"Im so sorry"She whispers to herself. She gets up and walks into one of the guest bedrooms. "Someone should stay with Youngbin tonight"Zuho says. "Ill do it"Dawon says and then quickly goes up the stairs. "Lets like not talk about what happened, tomorrow"Chani suggests. The rest of them nod in silence.

After a few minutes, Chani desides to go check on Rin. He walks up to the room and knocks on the door. No answer. He slowly opens it and sees Rin sitting on the bed, facing a wall. Chani closes the door behind him then walks over to her. He sits next to her, not saying anything.

Rin sits up then rests her head softly on his shoulder and sighs heavily. "You had the right to say that"Chani whispers. "But I hurt him"Rin replies. "He needed to hear it. Its okay"Chani says. Rin moves his head and look into his eyes. The moonlight coming in from the window makes his eyes sparkle. "I really like you"Rin says.

Chani chuckles, "I really like you too". The two of dont want to say 'love' yet but they both feel it. Feeling brave, Chani gently places his hand on Rins cheek and smiles. He leans down and kisses her. They move apart from a second but continue to look into each others eyes. Chani places both hands on her cheeks and their lips press on each others once again.

The kiss deepens and Rin moves closer to him. Chani moves his hands down to her shoulder and she bites his lip gently. His hands lower along her body, moving along her curves. His hands land on the button of her pants and he pauses. He pulls away from her, and looks her in the eyes. "Im not sure if its okay"Chani whispers, not wanting to push her.

Rin smiles sexily, "I got it". She stands up then takes his shirt off. Not complaining, Chani stays seated. She sits on his lap and begin to kiss him again. Chani moves his hands along her body again then grab her ass. She lets out a soft moan and stops kissing him. She bites her lip and stands up again. She kisses his lips.

Then his chest, all the way down to waist of his pants. Innocently, Chani follows her with his eyes. She unbuttons his pants and slowly pulls then down past his knees. Blushing, Chani looks away for a second. Rin slowly reaches her hand down his underwear and takes it out.

She slowly moves her mouth all along it, leaving kisses aswell. She puts him in her mouth and begins to suck him. He bites his lip, it feel so good. She continues and he begins to let out soft moans. He runs his fingers along her hair, grabbing some in the process. "Youre so big"she whispers lustily and continues.

His cheeks start to burn. Just then, a loud knock is heard at the door. Both of them stop. "Rin, can I come in?"a voice asks. Its Dawon. The two of them look at each other and quickly jump away from each other. Chani zips his pants up and puts his shirt on. "Yeah"Rin hollers. The door opens and Dawon and Inseong stand at the doorway.

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