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Rin wakes up and stretches out her arms. "I dont wanna get up"she mumbles to herself. She grabs her phone and sees shes gotten texts from Chani.

King Chani: Good morning

King Chani: Its 7:45 I think you should get up

King Chani: Its 8:15, Rin get up

King Chani: RIN ITS 8:30 HURRY UP

Rubbing her eyes, she realizes the time and rolls out of bed. Shes gonna be late. She quickly gets dressed and fumbles with her bag before finally making her way outside.

The bell rings as she steps foot onto school grounds. "Shit"she whispers and runs to her class. Sitting in her seat she huffs to catch her breath.

She feels a tap on her shoulder and turns around. Its Chani. Blushing she leans over to his desk. "I tried to warn ya"Chani says in a whisper with a chuckle. Rin rolls her eyes and smiles.

The teacher walks in the class so she turns around to pay attention. The next couple of classes fly by quickly. Up until the lunch bell rings. Rin walks out of classroom and watches as everyone slowly clears the school to go hang out for a while.

She takes out her phone and scrolls through instagram, not sure what to do. She bumps into someone and looks up. The girls who bullied her before stand infront of her.

"Im sorry"she whispers, not wanting to get them mad or anything. "How could you bump into me you slut?"the blonde hair hisses. "Im really sorry"Rin says with a polite bow.

The blonde hair girl grabs a fist full of Rins hair and drags her head up to look her in the eye, "Your apology means fucking nothing". Rin gulps. Shes not sure what to do.

"I think you should stop"one of them whispers to the blonde girl. "Why?"she hisses. "Its going to far"she says. The blonde girl looks back at Rin and lets go of her hair.

Rin gulps again and takes a step back from them. The blonde girl locks eyes with Rin then slaps her across the face as hard as she can. Rin cups her cheeks and crotches down on the ground.

Inseong walks around the corner and sees the scene. "Rin!"he exclaims and goes to her side. "She attacked me so I was defending myself. Shes a bully"the blonde lies.

Rin looks up at Inseong then at the blonde girl. She nods slightly then stands up. A prominent red handprint begins to appear on her face. Inseong looks at her with a worried expression. "I am very sorry"she whispers then walks off, leaving them behind.

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