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By the time we got to his homeroom it was already 8:14 and homeroom ended at 8:15 so I just walked him to his 1st period class instead.

"So this period you have math, your teacher is Mrs. Jennings, she's really nice. You should be okay in here without me." I said trying to sound sarcastic but I was still tired from all that happened last night so it came more bitchy.

"O..kay?" He said questioningly, probably wondering what was wrong with me. He sounded a little offended.

"I'm sorry," I said "that sounded kinda bitchy, im just, just, just really I dont know right now, I'm sorry." I said turning away from him.

"Aubri" he gently grabbed my shoulder sending shivers through my whole body "are you okay?"
"I'm fine" I said chocking back tears
"Aubri, seriously" he said "you can talk to me you know? I know we just met but, im a good hugger" he shrugged looking down. "Do you want a hug? You look like you could use one.."
I felt all of the tears that I was holding in from last night building up. I knew they were coming. I covered my eyes and looked down.
"Avery?" He said, taking a step in my direction.
I felt his arms wrap around my neck. He pulled me close and I moved my hands to wrap around his stomach. He was right, he did give good hugs. He squeezed me tightly and then whsipered "You don't have to tell me what's wrong, but you can talk to me if you want." I smiled and looked up. He was smiling too.

I wiped my eyes with my sleeve and fixed myself.

"We better get to class" I said "we've been here for 10 minutes" I giggled
"You're probably right" he laughed
"I'll pick you up here at the end of the period, we have English together after this." I told him
"Okay, cool" he smiled. I started walking away.
I turned around "Oh and... Thanks Justin" I smiled
He gave me one last smile and walked into Math.

The New Kid, A Justin Blake Story//FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now