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**Just incase not everyone knows, almost everything in this story is false**

The dissmissal bell rang. The rest of the day since the bathroom thing was pretty much just Justin and I hanging out, the only classes we don't have together is 1st and 8th period, which is pretty cool. We exchanged numbers so we could hang out sometime.

I walked out of my 8th period class and was met by Justin, whose class was 1 room over from mine.

"Hey Aubri" he said cheerfully
"So how was your 1st day?" I joked
"Oh it was great, my favorite teacher was Mr. Jordan." He laughed
"Oh hes just the best." I played along
We both laughed
"So do you maybe wanna hang out?" He casually said
"Sure, WAIT! What day is it??" I responded
"Monday?" Justin questioned
"Oh frick! I was supposed to meet my friend Sarah today after school!" I said, "She went to see her boyfriend who lives 17 hours away and she's coming back today, she's been gone for a week," I explained "I don't think I can skip this.. maybe some other time?" I asked
"Uh, sure" Justin said sounding a little bit confused.
"Okay cool! I gotta go though, talk to you later!" I yelled down the hallway as I ran out the door and to my car.

I'm supposed to meet Sarah in 3 minutes. She won't care if I'm a little late, but I really wanna see her, I miss her! She's my bestfriend and one of the only people who hasn't given up on me.

I got into my car and drove off towards my grandma's, i had to grab my wallet before going to the froyo place we were meeting at, 'Totally FroYo', her favorite.

When I got to my grandma's, er my house, I ran up to my room frantically searching for my wallet. I eventually found it hidden under a random black converse. I left and headed towards the froyo place. When I got there, I found an empty parking space near the front door and got out. When I got out I saw that it was surprisingly packed.. hmm, I wonder why?

I walked in the door and I saw a bunch of people crowded around one table, I couldn't see who was sitting at the table but I was guessing they were important. I tried to get closer but a bunch of unruly fans pushed me away, so I gave up and went to find my friend.

I found Sarah sitting in a table in the back of the place, she was on her phone.

"SARAH!" I yelled, running towards her
"AUBRI!" she yelled back and did the same

Our bodies crashed into eachother and we fell to the floor in a death grip hug, neither of us planning on letting go anytime soon.

"Um.. excuse me, ladies can you please not lay there, it's a kind of unsanitary..." a shy voice said

We looked up and saw a short skinny guy in a pink 'Totally froYo' shirt, he must work here.

"Oh, we're sorry" I apologized before standing up and pulling Sarah up by her hand. The guy walked away and Sarah and I started walking back to the table she had picked.

"Sooo, how was it Sarah??" I asked "how was Kale??"
"Um... we kinda" she started "um.." I noticed tears building up in the corners her eyes "we broke up" she forced the words out as if she didn't believe them
"Oh Sarah!" I said as I wrapped her up in a hug, sliding into her side of the booth
"It's fine" she sobbed "it was meant to happen eventually"
"Why did you guys break up?" I questioned
"He.. he found someone else" tears were spilling out of her eyes.
"I'm so sorry sarah" I said, still hugging her "Hey! You know what? We are going to go order some froyo, and we're gonna go to the mall and we are gonna have so much fun that you forget all about that leaf!" I proclaimed.

**Guys I love Kale, don't get butthurt. He's more than just a leaf**

"Okay" she sniffed and wiped the tears from her eyes on her sleeve.
We got up and started walking to the counter when I saw him.

"Justin?" I questioned
"Aubri!" He replied
"When did you get here?" I asked
"Oh I've been here," he answered "my brother and I decided to go do something and this place had high reviews so.. we came here!" He explained, gesturing to another boy who was standing next to him, a little taller than justin, probably 5'5, he had short red hair. He was wearing a purple long sleeve sweater and black skinny jeans.
"Oh!" Justin remembered "This is Danny, my brother" he pointed to Danny
"Hi Danny" I said "I'm Aubri" I waved
He waved back and then saw Sarah.

He looked at Sarah and smiled, he walked closer and held out his hand "Hi im Danny" he said
"Sarah" she smiled, taking his hand and shaking it.

Justin and I shared a look like 'ooooohh O_o'

"Well, we were just about to go to the mall," I said "do you guys wanna come?"
Sarah gave me a weird look and a faint smile spread across her face.
Danny and Justin exchanged a look and then Danny raised his eyebrows and shrugged, Justin looked back at me
"Yeah, that sounds great" he said
"Okay well we are gonna go order some froyo first, do you guys want any?" I offered
"Sure," Danny said "It was a little too packed in here to get some earlier"
"Yeah I noticed that," Sarah chimed in "I wonder why??"
"Yeah," I started "it was like there was a celebrity in here or something"

Justin and Danny looked at eachother and smirked.

"What?" I asked
"We're kinda... famous?" Justin questioned "well, I meant not reallyyy famous, but internet famous"
"Wow..really?" I asked
"Yeah, and I guess SOMEONE told people where we would be" he looked at Danny
Danny just shrugged, he did it.

The New Kid, A Justin Blake Story//FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now