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*Aubri's POV*
I woke up in my hospital bed wrapped up in Justin's arms, his chin resting on my head, I've never felt more safe. I wish I could stay like this forever.

Justin started moving and looked down at me, he is so adorable when he's sleepy.

"Good morning Aubri" he smiled
"Good morning Justin" I smiled back

He put his chin back on my head and I put mine back on his chest. He grabbed the remote and turned on the tv. He flipped through the channels until we came across 'Friends' he gave me a goofy smirk and turned the volume up. He set the remote down and wrapped his arms around me.

*time skip (about 2 hours)*
"Aubri are you hungry?" Justin asked
"Eh, I could eat" I chuckled
"Okay well I'm gonna run down to the cafeteria and get us some food" he smiled
"Sounds great" I smiled back

Justin walks out the door and Maya walks in.

"Hey Aubri" she says
"Hi Maya" I say back
"So I have some news" she starts
"Oh please tell me its good news" I say
"Oh it is"she smiles, handing me my clothes and setting my shoes on the floor by my bed
"You get to go home today!" She exclaims
"Omg really??!"I say, standing up and throwing my arms around her.
"Well im glad to see you so happy," she smiles, "I just have to change your bandage one more time, and ill have to send some with you because it will still need bandaged for a few more days" she says unwrapping my bandage.

I nodded and waited for her to be done. It didn't hurt that bad anymore, well im still bruised but it's faded to a dark purple now and my ribs are still sore but definitely getting better.

"Okay, well that should be good." she smiles, "I've packed you a bag of things you'll need to take care of your stomach"
"Thanks Maya" I smiled, grabbing the bag
"Yep, and you can just leave whenever you want, just make sure you check in with the front desk."

The door opens and I look over and see Justin carrying a bag of gummy worms, a pepsi, a mountain dew and a bag of popcorn.

"Hey Justin" I say
"Hey Aubri" he smiles "I got your regular"he joked handing me the gummy bears and the pepsi.
"So uh, what are you doing here Maya?" He asked "I thought you dont come until 2?"
"Well..." She said, looking over at me.
I kept looking back at her waiting to hear what she was going to say.
"Oh!" I said, realizing she was waiting for me to tell him, "I get to leave today!" I exclaimed
"Really??" He started "Thats great babe!" He said, comming up to me and hugging me.
I awkwardly hugged back, he just called me babe. Does that meam we are dating again? Did he just decide that? Should I be mad? Happy? Im confused.

Maya must have sensed the awkwardness and excused herself.
"Well um, im just gonna go," she said "I hope everything goes great Aubri! And if anything happens just call us." She said, leaving.

Justin looked at me.
"Im, er, sorry Aubri" he said, looking down.
"Its, its fine I guess. But what, what are we?" I asked
"Well, I don't want to be just friends, but if that's all that you want, that's what I have to be, I cant lose you." He said looking away, a small tear forming in his eye.
"Justin," I said, grabbing his chin and pulling it up so that he is looking at me "I don't want to be your friend."

He made a sad face and I smushed my lips up against his. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer,  I moved my hands to go around his neck. He put his hands under my butt and lifted me up off of the ground, setting me back down on the hospital bed. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he leaned down on top of me, not laying down completely because he didn't want to hurt me, but I didn't care. I wanted to feel him on me, I wanted to be closer, I wrapped my arms around his back and pulled him down until he was touching me. At first he tried to lift himself back up, but I held my hands there to let him know that it was okay. We stayed there, just kissing and being close.

*time skip*
Justin opened the passenger door for me and I sat down while he shut the door and went around to the other side and got in.

"Where are we going?" I asked when I noticed that we weren't going to my house.
"My house." He answered
"Oh?" I asked
"Yep." He said "how can I protect you if your arent with me?"
"Good point" I smiled

When we got to his house I got out of the car and Justin grabbed my bag and helped me walk to the door. He opened the door for me and I walked in.

"SUPRISE!!" I looked around and saw Danny, Sarah and Damon all standing by the door waiting for me. There was a table with a few presents on it and some balloons.

I looked over at Justin, confused.

"You didn't think that I would really not do anything for your birthday did you?" He asked making that adorable smirk face.

"Sarahhh!" I whinned "I told you not to tell him" I said hugging her
"Wellllll" she started "I did anyways" she smiled.
"Thanks guys! You really didn't have to."I smiled pulling Danny and Damon in for a group hug.

I turned around and attempted the goofy smirk face to Justin.
"Babe" I smiled, hugging him tightly.
"You're welcome" he hugged back.

"So um... Theres cake." Danny said as if he was waiting for me to say he could have some.
"Go ahead" I laughed and Danny and Damon both rushed into the kitchen.

"Im glad you're back"Sarah smiled, hugging me.

The New Kid, A Justin Blake Story//FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now