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I woke up around 7 o'clock.

My head was pounding and my vision was blury. It felt like the worst hangover in the world. I tried to stand up but my legs gave out underneath me. I crawled to the bathroom to check the damage. My cut was still there, but better, and now a new black eye has surfaced. My ribs were now bruised on both sides, the new ones worse than the olds. I grabbed my makeup and attempted to cover my black eye. I went into my room and searched for some loose fitting clothes. I found some baggy sweatpants and a loose purple long sleeve, good enough. I limped downstairs and checked my phone.

J: Hey Aubri.. where did you go? You weren't in any of your classes and you're really scarring me.

That was the only text. I didn't even want to respond. It hurt me so much to hear him say this stuff. I can't tell him the truth. He's gonna hate me, the only person who has ever stood by me is gonna hate me. Tears rolled down my face and I started walking to the bathroom. I closed and locked the door and grabbed a razor from under the sink. I took it apart and rolled up my sleeve. Tears were spilling out of my eyes. My phone vibrated and I grabbed it. It was Justin.

J: Aubri. I need you to tell me whats wrong..

I threw my phone hard against the wall and grabbed the razor, I ran it against the skin on my arm slowly until little beads of blood poured out. I did it again but harder this time, watching the blood roll out each time. I sat there looking at my arm, tears spilled from my eyes and mixed with the blood. I just sat there with my head back against the wall, crying. I knew it was bad to do this, but he hurts me worse anyways plus I could control this pain. It was me doing it, not him. That's why I did it.

My phone vibrated again awakening me from my 'high' I grabbed my phone and looked at the screen, it was shattered. I clicked on the messages and saw that it was Justin again.

J: Where are you?? You're not at school and your scarring the shit out of me. Aubri please..

I can't do this anymore, I cant hurt Justin like this anymore. I have to break up with him..

*Sorry this chapter was short and so sad, but please stick through it. It will get better, this is important to the story. If nothing bad ever happened then there wouldn't be a story, just please keep reading.*

The New Kid, A Justin Blake Story//FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now