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I walked into Justin's room to tell him that I was done and he could have the shower now.

"Babe, showers open" I said casually walking in and plopping down on his bed.
"Okay thanks" he said grabbing a towel from his closet and heading towards the bathroom.

I grabbed his remote and turned on the tv, flipping through the movies to find something to watch. I decided on just watch another episode of Friends.

*Time Skip*

*PG Content*
*I know Justin hasn't had bottom surgery yet, but in this he has a ding-a-ling*

I heard the door creak open and I looked up to see Justin standing there, just a towel hanging low on his waist.

"I forgot my clothes" Justin smirked
"Oh.." I said, sounding like a zombie, breathless at the sight of Justin.

I looked up at him, my eyes scanning his almost naked body. The towel was barley hanging on to his body, his V line was visible. He was still a little wet and beads of water dripped down his abs.

He started walking towards me and leaned down to face me. He looked me in the eyes and slowly pushed his lips against mine. I kissed him back and he bit my bottom lip. I held back a moan and he slid his tongue across my lips asking for permisson to enter. I parted my lips slightly and his tongue slid in.

He picked me up by my butt and pushed me up against the wall. He set me down and started taking off my shirt. It slid off and so did my tanktop. He picked me up again and layed me down on his bed. He got on top of me and started kissing me all the way down my body. I let out a small moan and he looked up at me and grinned. He went all the way down my body leaving a trail of kisses, until he got to my pants. He unbottoned them and slowly slid them off. I was left in just my matching lacy black bra and underwear now. Justin kissed me through my underwear and then slowly slid them off. He stood up and put his hands to the towel.

He slowly undid the towel and it dropped to the floor. I looked at Justin and then bit my lip. He smiled and then kissed me again. He slowly slid inside of me and it hurt. He looked at my face and saw that I was in pain.

"Shh, babygirl just wait a minute," he whispered in my ear "it'll get better"

The pain was suddenly replaced by pleasure. I let out a small moan and Justin grinned again.

"See, I told you" he winked

He moved faster and I couldn't help it. "Justin" I moaned
He pulled out and layed beside me on the bed.

We layed there just holding eachother for the rest of the day, watching tv and talking.

**I'm sorry if this sucked, I've never written about ding-a-lings before. But I hope you enjoyed this happy chapter and I'm sorry for what is about the happen**

The New Kid, A Justin Blake Story//FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now