4-New Kid

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By the time I got to the school and into the main office it was 8:02. I rushed to the front desk and asked for Mr. Mathews, our principle.

"Aubri, nice of you to show up." Mr. Mathews walled in and said in a joking voice
"Sorry Mr. Mathews, I had some stuff that happened and I just" he cut me off
"Its okay Aubri" he laughed "This is Justin. He's new, will you show him around?"

A boy who looked about 16 walked towards me, I hadn't even noticed he was here until now.

"Hi im Justin" he smiled
"Aubri" I said smiling back

"Okay well I'll leave you guys to it." And on that note, Mr. Mathews handed me Justin's schedule and walked out.

I walked out into the hallway and gestured for Justin to follow me. I looked at justin's schedule and started toward his homeroom.

"I like your shirt" Justin chuckled

I looked over to see that he was wearing the same one.

I smiled "I like yours too"
He laughed again.

I hadn't really gotten a good look at him until now, he's cute. Short, about 5'4 but thats okay because im only 5'2. His hair is longish and dark brown, he has it styled so it sticks up. His eyes are so green. I got lost in them. So lost that I didn't notice myself stop walking.

"Aubri?" Justin said raising an eyebrow

I snapped back to reality.

"Oh, sorry, I was just, uh, just.." I was at a loss for words, I couldn't tell him that I was staring at him.

He smiled and let out a little laugh.

"Its okay, im used to it" he said in a sarcastic tone
He laughed and I did the same.

The New Kid, A Justin Blake Story//FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now