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**Justin's birthname is brought up in this chapter, no I don't know and no im not gonna ask. Also this is gonna be a really long chapter."

I spent the whole next period thinking about Justin. His adorable smile, the way he raised one eyebrow at me, the hug, the way squeezed me and pulled me closer. How caring he was, he barley knew me and hugged me because he saw that I was crying.


I was awoken from my daydream when the bell rang. I got up and went out into the hallway and walked around the corner to where I was supposed to meet Justin.

"Hey!" He said once I came into his view.
"How was math?" I laughed
"Fun as frick!" He joked
We both laughed.
"So english huh?" He asked, raising an eyebrow and looking in my direction
"Oh, yeah. We should probably get going" I laughed

We walked down the hall and into Mr. Jordan's classroom. We walked to the back of the classroom and took 2 empty seats beside each other. Moments later the teacher walked in.

"Goodmorning class." Mr. Jordan said.

"This teacher is a douche, btw" I whispered to Justin
"Oh great!" He said with a enthusiastic and sarcastic tone.
We both laughed and then looked up to see the teacher standing about 2 feet away from us.

"Class, we have a new student." Said the teacher, a mean and grumpy look on his face, "Her name is >>Justin's birth name<<" he continued, gesturing to Justin.

I looked over to see justin's mouth wide open
"Mr. Jordan HIS name is Justin." I said politely trying to correct him while holding back my anger.

How could he do this? Justin was trans, all the teachers knew that, Mr. Mathews emailed every one of them about it, and that he was only to be called by his name, Justin.

"Hmm.. well right here on my paper, it says >>birthname<<" he said grinning in an evil way.
I looked over to see Justin, on the verge of tears. He got up and ran out of the room.
"His name is Justin. I can't believe how much of an inconsiderate prick you are!" I screamed at him as I got up and followed Justin out of the room.

I got out into the hall and looked for Justin. I didn't see him..? I walked down the hall and around the corner.

"Justin??" I whisper yelled.
"Justin?..." I asked again.
I heard a faint sobbing sound. I followed it and found that it was comming from the boys bathroom just down the hall, I opened the door and walked in to find justin sitting on the ground up against the back wall.
I walked up to him and he looked up, tears pouring out his eyes he said, "Aubri... what are you doing in here?" He whispered as if he was telling me a secret, "This is the boys bathroom...."

"Did you just assume my gender?" I joked
"Auhh err, im sorry" he cringed
"It's fine" I chuckled "I am a girl, but you needed a friend and you were in here. And I dont really care what people have to say anyways" I laughed
"Well thanks for that.." Justin said, looking down. Tears still fell from Justin's eyes. It made me sad to see him like this, I barley knew him, but I knew him enough to know that he doesn't deserve this. He's the only person besides my grammie who was ever there for me. And even though it was only 1 time, it meant a lot. So now I had to be there for him.

"Are you okay?" I asked. immediately knowing that it was a dumb question as he obviosuly wasn't.
He just looked up at me with a blank look on his face. But it wasn't really blank, I knew this face. The face I had given to my mother last night when I left, the face she gave me when I told her, I knew what the look meant. He was giving up. He stared blankly and his eyes were empty, no real expression on his face. It hurt me to see him like this..

"I'm trans," he started "my birthname was >>birthname<<. But I don't go by it anymore. Im not >><<!" He angrily said. I just looked at him. Right into his beautiful green eyes.
"I left my old school because of this. And now... its happening again..." he trailed off and looked back down.
"Justin," I said, looking down at him.
He just continued looking down away from me.
"Justin." I said, grabbing his chin and turning his face towards me.
"That's not gonna happen at this school. That teacher was just a dick. Nobody really even noticed. Its going to be okay.." I said, looking into his eyes, he looking back into mine.
"Thanks Aubri." He wrapped his arms around my waist for an awkward side hug. I turned my body to face his and hugged him back.

We just sat there locked in the hug. He sniffled and pulled away. I handed him a paper towel and he wiped the tears from his face

"So what happened after I left?" He asked
"I called Mr. Jordan an 'inconsiderate prick' and walked out" I said as if it was completely normal
"Really??" He looked at me, raising one eyebrow and smiling
"Yep" I proudly stated
We both started laughing
"Thanks Aubri" he sounded sincere and i gave him a smile.
"You're welcome"
Then the bell rang signaling that the class had ended.

The New Kid, A Justin Blake Story//FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now