20-Goodbye II

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I stood up and rinsed the dried blood off of my arm and then dried it with a towel. I pulled my sleeve down and walked downstairs. I grabbed my phone and texted Justin.

A: Justin do you think you could meet me somewhere? We really need to talk.

I almost immediately got a response.

J: Yeah sure.. where?
K: How about the park by my house
I typed but then deleted realizing that He might be there. I sent this instead.
K: Can I just meet you at your house?
J: Yeah, I'll see you soon

I grabbed my keys and limped to my car. I drove to Justin's house in silence. I didn't deserve music. I was junk. I was nothing. Noone loves me, noone could. Im a worthless piece of shit whore. That's why I have to break up with Justin. He deserves so much more than me, and all I do is hurt him.

I finally get to Justin's house and knock on his door.

"Aubri" he says in a relieved voice, pulling me into a tight hug.

I screetched in pain because he was squeezing my, no doubt broken, ribs.

"Aubri, what's wrong?" He said, a angrily confused look on his face.
"Nothing, I just.." I started.
He looked into my eyes and then leaned in to kiss me, his lips smushed against mine and I knew immediately that I shouldn't be doing this, if He saw, I would pay for this.

Justin moved his hand to cup my cheek and rubbed my cheek with his thumb. He pulled away and looked at his thumb, a confused look on his face.

"Aubri..?" He questioned looking at my cheek "Aubri what the hell??" He said wiping gently at my cheek, exposing my black eye.

"Justin its nothing." I sighed pushing him away.
"No its not nothing Aubri, who did this to you?!?" He said catching up to me and grabbing me by my arms
"Justin stop!" I yelled angrily "you can't know and you'll never know whats going on. I... I... I hate you Justin!" I yelled, crying and doing my best to run back to my car.

I started driving. I didn't know where or why but I did. I just drove, blinded by my tears. I just told Justin that I hate him. I am shit. I didn't deserve Justin. I don't deserve to live.

I kept driving and eventually ended up back at my house, I go to my room and lay in my bed, crying myself to sleep.

I wake up at 7 and think that I might go to school but then decide against it, I wouldn't be able to hide all of the new marks well enough. I open my texts and see that there are 12 now.

Danny: Aubri, what the heck happened?? Justin is a wreck but he wont come out of his room long enough to tell us whats up. Do you know?
Dn: Did you and Justin break up?? Hes STILL a mess..
Dn: Aubri are YOU okay?
Dn: Please answer me we are all really worried..

Damon: Aubri, I notice you and Justin haven't been together lately, what's up? Is everything alright?? Justin is a mess, he needs you Aubri...
Dm: Aubri?? Everyone is worried about you...
Dm: Justin is in terrible condition, he barely even eats.
Dm: Aubri?? Why haven't you been in school?

Sarah: Aubri what is going on?!?! Did you and Justin break up?? Neither of you have been at school for days. Im actually really worried, call me?
S: Aubri Justin is a total mess. He hasn't been coming to school either.
S: Aub?? I miss you, you're scarring me..
S: Aubri??

I read the texts through my cracked screen. I didn't respond to anyone, I couldn't, what would I even say? Yep. I'm fine. And pretend nothing was wrong? I couldn't lie to them anymore than I already have. Ill just ignore them, they'll forget soon, im nothing special,  they probably don't even really care. They shouldn't. Maybe I should just end it all? Maybe then I'd be free. Free from him. But would I really ever be free? Even if I killed myself he would find a way to hurt me. He'd hurt the people I care about, Grammie, Sarah, Damon, Danny, ...Justin.

The New Kid, A Justin Blake Story//FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now