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**Apologizing for this chapter in advance**

*Justin's POV*
I looked over at Aubri, she was amazing. Beautiful, gorgeous, kind, stunning, she was perfect. I cant believe that we just had sex. It was amazing, but even without the sex, she is amazing. I can't ever let her go. She was just wearing her bra and underwear and I was wearing just my boxers.

"Babe, what time is it?" She looked up at me and I checked my phone
"6:29" I answered
"I think I need to go home" she sighed "We have school tomorrow"
I sighed and got up "Your right"

She sat up and I handed her my purple Justin Blake tee shirt and her jeans, I kinda wripped her tanktop, whoops. She took the clothes and stood up to put them on. She slid them on as I slid on a pair of sweatpants and she looked up at me.

"Damn you look hot"she winked
"Same to you" I grinned

I threw on my white 'truboiz' hoodie and handed Aubri my blue one.

"Okay lets go," I said, grabbing her hand and leading her out of the room.
We both threw on our shoes and I grabbed my keys. And we walked out the door.

"Are you hungry?" I asked her looking into the passenger seat
"Eh, a little bit" she admitted
"Wanna go eat?" I offered
"Sure" she answered
"What about DQ?" I asked "Since we didn't really get to enjoy it last time" I laughed
"Yes!" She exclaimed "I love DQ"
I laughed and started driving towards DQ.

When we got there we decided to go in and eat. We walked in and we were almost alone. Probably because its 7 o'clock on a school night. We walked up to the counter.

"How can I help you?" A lady asked

I ordered a burger and Aubri ordered some chicken tenders and we shared a fry. We waited for our food and I payed. Then we sat down in the back of the restaurant.

We sat there just eating in silence for a little while, I could tell that Aubri was tired.

"Tired?" I asked
"Huh?" She responded "Oh, yeah I'm tired" she laughed

She had the cutest fricken laugh it is so adorable.

We finished our food and went back up to order some ice cream. We both got a cone, mine chocolate and hers a twist.

We walked back to the car with out ice cream and I started driving.

"So uh, where am I going?" I laughed
"Oh, you might need to know that" She chuckled, giving me her adress

We drove listening to music and eating our ice cream, Aubri had her seat back and her feet up on the dash and sticking out the window.

She is so perfect. I just cant stop thinking about her, no matter what she does, she's just... Perfect.

"This is it" she said, sitting up

I pulled over and she looked out the window. She looked back at me, a worried look on her face.

"What's wrong Aubri?"I asked, worried
"Oh, um, nothing." She played it off
"Okay, well do you want me to walk you in?"I asked, confused
"No no, its fine" She said, leaning over and giving me a peck on the lips before opening her door and walking to the house.

I waited for her to get in the house. She stood there in front of the door and took a deep breathe. She opened the door and took and cautious step inside the house.

I started driving away, "What the heck was that all about" I thought to myself. "It must have been nothing, maybe she was just tired." I reassured myself.

The rest of the way home I couldn't stop thinking about Aubri. I got home and decided to text her.

J; Hey Aubri, what's up?

I waited amd waited but there was no response. I convinced myself that she had fallen asleep and decided to go to bed.

*Aubri's POV*
*Time overlaps*

I took a deep breathe and slowly opened the door. I took a step inside the house and looked around. I sighed in relief and then turned around.

'BAM' I fell to the ground with a thud.

"Where were you Aubri?" The man asked "Why are you so late?"

I opened my eyes and felt something dripping down my forehead. I just layed on the ground and didn't move, I knew it would be worse if I resisted.

"Answer me bitch!" He kicked me in the side and I sat up, coffing up blood.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket but I just let it go.

"Stupid worthless whore" he grumbled to himself as he kicked me in the gut one last time and then walked out the door.

I heard his car start and drive off. I just layed on the ground. I didn't move. I reached up and touched my forehead, a liquid spread all over my fingers. I looked at it, blood. I slowly and carefully stood up and walked towards the bathroom. I didn't want to look in the mirror so I left the lights off. I turned on the water and rinsed my face,  wincing in pain as the water touched my gaping wound on my forehead. I wiped my face with a towel and walked to my room. I threw the towel into my dirty clothes basket and layed on my bed until I eventually was greeted by bitter sweet sleep.

When I slept, I dreamt that I could escape him. And I felt no pain. But he haunted my dreams as well as my life. When I escaped him in my dreams he would always come back, it was never permanent. He will never be gone, I can't escape him. I will never be free.

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