Visitor II

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*So since wattpad hates me the chapter "Visitor" didn't ipdate right, again. So here's what it was supposed to be*

I heard a knock on my door and I carefully stood up and opened it.

"Hey.." the person said "Your grandma let me in.."
"Hey Danny" I responded
"Can I come in?" He asked
I motioned for him to come in and he did, sitting down on my bed.
"I came to talk to you, to see if you're okay.. we are worried about you me, Damon, Sarah...Justin" he said last name carefully, as if he could be in trouble for saying it.
I just looked down at my bed. I didn't know what to say, I know they are worried, I just dont know why. I am nothing, a nobody, they shouldn't even care, they should just forget about me, I have.

"Aubri?" He asked, reaching a hand out to touch my elbow and I whinned in pain, like a hurt puppy. He looked confused and took his hand back.

"If Justin cares so much then why didnt he come to talk to me?" I said trying to hide the pain in my words with sarcasm
"He knew you wouldn't let him help, and seeing you like this and not being able to help would kill him." He answered "he doesnt even know that I'm here."

I just looked away.

"Aubri, he misses you, he wants to help you, we all do. We care about you Aubri." He said

Tears started to build in my eyes.

"Atleast talk to him?" He pleaded
I nodded and adjusted my shirt.

"Aubri" Danny gasped and grabbed my arm, looking at all of the cuts.

I quickly pulled my arm away and covered up my wrist.

"Aubri.. why are you doing this. Let someone help you, talk to me, talk to Justin." He rushed the words soundings concerned.

The tears I was holding back suddenly came pouring out, I couldn't help them. Danny wrapped his arms around me and I let him hug me.

"Danny, I know it's bad, but compared to other things, its really not." I cried
"Aubri, this seems like the best answer to what ever problem you have, trust me I know, but it's not. There is always a better way." He pleaded for me to stop "talk to someone Aubri, talk to Justin, he cares about you."

I just hugged him, crying into his shoulder until eventually all I saw was black.

I woke up to a knocking on the door. My eyes were fuzzy and I could barely walk because of how sore I was, but I somehow managed to get up and hobble over to the door. I opened it slowly.

"Justin" I whispered throwing my arms around him for a hug. He hugged me back and pulled me in tighter.
"I've missed you so much" he whispered back
We stood there locked in a hug for what felt like forever. I pulled away and looked out the window, I felt like somebody was watching me. I saw that nobody was there but it was daek out..

"Wait, what time is it?!?" I asked Justin, panic in my voice.
"Uh.. 8:46" Justin answered
"I gotta go" I said pushing past him and heading down the stairs, I tripped and fell. Hitting my head, neck, ribs, and legs on every step. I layed at the bottom of the stairs and I felt a cold liquid drip down my forehead.

"Aurbi? Aubri!" I heard what I thought was Justin's voice, but it sounded muffled, like I was under water, and then I saw black.

*Sorry for the cliffhanger but I'll be updating again later tonight♥*

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