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*Justin's POV*
We sat in the small hospital room in silence. Aubri sat by her grandma's bed while I sat across the room, to give her some space. We were both quiet and Aubri sat there looking down at her hands, I wonder what she was thinking. I know this is hard for her and I wish there was some way I could help but I really don't think there is. All I can do is be there for her.

Every once in a while a nurse came in to check on her grandma, but besides that nothing happened. We didn't talk much and I couldn't get Aubri to eat. I don't necessarily blame her,but she needs to eat.

The doctors say that her grandma is in a coma from the blood loss. She isn't dead but she can't wake up. I'm trying to stay hopeful but it doesn't look good, we've been here for 4 days. 4 days of silence, 4 days of no eating, 4 days of the same exact thing. It was like a routine, nothing changed, it stayed the same, and I was wondering how long this routine will go on for? How long til Aubri eats? Even after this whole thing is fine and we are out of the hospital, how long will it be before Aubri is okay again? This is completely devastating. I don't know if she will ever be okay again. I guess all we can do is hope.

*Sorry for the short chapter. I haven't updated in a while and I know this chapter sucks but I needed to update. I'll try to update tomorrow❤️*

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