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***Okay so like I really like this chapter. Sooo I hope you do too!♥ Let me know***

Justins house was nice. He had a big white house with a huge yard surrounded by trees, a big wrap around porch, and a trampoline.

"Come on" he said gesturing to the door
"Oh, yeah" I said realizing that I wasn't following Justin.

"I SMELL PIZZA!" Danny ran into the room and grabbed the box out of Justin's hand and took it to the kitchen.

Justin looked at me and held up the Pepsi.
"Thirsty?" He joked
"Sure" I laughed

We followed Danny to the kitchen and Justin handed me a big green cup. I opened the pepsi and poured some into my cup and then into Justin's.

"Thanks" he said
"Yep" I nodded

I looked over to see Danny had already opened the box and grabbed himself 3 pieces.

"So um.. Where's Sarah?" I asked Danny
"Oh she's up in my room, I gave her some more comfortable clothes to change into while we watch the movie" Danny said, his mouth full of pizza
"Oh" I responded

"So um, did you save any pieces for us?" Justin joked to Danny grabbing 2 paper plates from a cupboard and handing me one
"Gerrrr" growled Danny when Justin reached for a piece of pizza
"Down boy!" Justin laughed grabbing a piece for himself and then gesturing for me to get a piece.

"Aubri!" Sarah yelled wrapping me up in a hug. She was wearing black baggy sweatpants and a purple tee shirt.
"Sarah!" I yelled back "We brought pizza"
"Move!" She shoved me to the side and ran for the pizza

"Well they are definitely meant for eachother" Justin joked quietly to me
I laughed and nodded in agreement

Justin and I stood against the counter eating our pizza while Danny and Sarah sat at the table wolfing down piece after piece.

"So um, movie?" Justin offered
"Sure" I looked at him
"Danny?" No answer "Sarah?" I asked still no answer
"Well okay then" Justin said "I guess we can just watch it by ourselves it you want"
I nodded and followed Justin into the living room.

I sat down on a blue couch and Justin walked over the tv which was directly in front of the couch that I was on.

"So what kind of movie do you wanna watch?" Justin asked me
"Um...Horror?" I offered
"Sure!" Justin responded "I frackin love scary movies."
"Me too" I laughed at the use of the word 'frackin'
"What about 'The Conjuring'?" Justin asked
"I've never actually seen it, so yeah!" I answered

Justin nodded and pushed play. He came over to the couch and sat a few inches away from me like he was scared to catch cooties or something.

"Cooties?" I questioned
"Huh? Oh, no I just, I didn't know if, I wanted to make sure you were okay with, uhh." He said tripping over his words. I scooted closer and put my legs up on the couch next to me, so that I was leaning on Justin. He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me closer.

*Skip to end of the movie*

The end credits rolled onto the screen and I didn't want to go home yet.

"Um, do you wanna maybe watch another movie?" Justin asked "I always like to watch a funny movie after I watch a scary one"
"Yeah sure, what were ya thinking?" I answered.
"Hmm... What about the movie 'Madagascar'?" He offered
"Dude, that's my favorite movie." I looked up at him
"Dude, me too" He laughed and clicked on the movie and pressed play

*Time skip*

I woke up to Justin covering me up with a small blanket and he started walking away.

"Wait, where are you going?" I said sleepily, barely opening my eyes
"Um, to bed?" Justin questioned
"Don't leave me" I said "we just watched a scary movie"
"Er, okay then." He said

He then picked me up like a baby and carried me up the stairs and into his room. He set me on the bed and then went to his closet. He handed me a purple tie dye 'Justin Blake' shirt and some baggy sweatpants.

"Here, put these on" Justin said "let me know when your done changing so I can come back in" he said as he walked out of the room and closed the door almost all the way, keeping his hand on the door to keep it from closing all the way.

I took off my shirt, still laying in his bed too tired to actually stand up, and threw the shirt he gave me on over my sports bra. I slid off my jeans...

*Justin's POV*
I knocked on the door, no answer. I knocked again.
"Aubri? Can I come in yet?" I whispered, still no answer.

She must have fallen asleep. I quietly pushed the door open and walked in to see that Aubri had fallen asleep before putting the pants on. I grabbed the pants and slid them on for her. After that I layed down on the opposite end of the bed and tried to go to sleep.

I couldn't sleep, all I could think about was Aubri. How wonderful she was. He perfect smile, damn I love her smile, its so fricken adorable. Her gorgeous blue eyes that trapped me everytime I looked into them. the way her long beautiful hair looked good even now when it was up in a messy bun. She was perfect.

Suddenly I felt her moving, she started squirming a bit. I think she was having a nightmare. I turned my body around and crawled up to the end of the bed she was at and layed down next to her. I put my arm around her and whispered
"Shhhh, it's okay, it's not real, your safe, I have you." I rubbed her arm and she started to calm down. She became quiet again and fell back asleep.

The New Kid, A Justin Blake Story//FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now