15-Morning, again

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*Aubri's POV*

I woke up with my head rested on Justin's bare chest and his arm around me. He was so warm and I was freezing. I snuggled closer to him and wrapped my arm around his stomach. I didn't want this to ever be over, I never want to leave his bed. I looked up at Justin and smiled. He is so frackin adorable, "How did I get so lucky?" I asked myself. I closed my eyes and snuggled up to Justin's warm body.

*Justin's POV*
I woke up with Aubri next to me, her arms wrapped around my body, her head rested on my chest and her legs tangled up with mine. I touched her arm, she was frezzing cold. I carefully reached ovrr and grabbed another small blanket and covered her up, trying not to wake her. I tucked her in and hugged her gently. I closed my eyes and went back to sleep.

*Time Skip*

I woke up in the same position and carefully reached over and grabbed my phine to check the time, "Holy butt its already 1pm!" I thought to myself suprised that Aubri and I have been laying here for so long. I looked over at Aubri, she looked so cute when she was sleeping. She started moving a little bit and then she opened her eyes and yawned, damn she was cute.

"Good morning babe" I whipered
She smiled "Good morning"

She sat up an started stretching, I did the same.

"So what do you wanna do today?" I asked her quietly, not wanting to wake the others
"Hmmm... I kinda just wanna stay here and watch tv again" she chuckled
"You read my mind" I laughed

I grabbed the remote and started clicking around on netflix.

"Have you ever watched the show 'Friends'?" I asked her
"Only all the time!" she giggled "I love that show"
"Me too" I laughed "Wanna watch it?"
She nodded and I pushed play on episode 1. Aubri snuggled back up on me and we watched Friends.

*Time Skip*
*Aubri's POV*

We had watched about 3 episodes now and I had to pee.

"Justin, I gotta pee" I said
"Okay" He answered, still holding me
"Justin. That means I have to get up" I laughed
"I know" he laughed, still holding on
"Justinnnn, I have to pee" I whined

He didn't answer so I started tickling him. He laughed and finally let go of me. I got up and walked down the hall to the bathroom. I went pee and then looked in the mirror, "Woah, I look rough" I chuckled to myself. I rinsed my faced, dried it with my shirt and walked back to the room. When I got there Justin was still laying the same way I left him. I took my spot next to Justin back and closed my eyes.

*Time Skip*

I woke up about 2 hours later and Justin was gone. I got up and walked to the kitchen, guessing that's where he would be.

He was standing at the stove making pancakes, he had a white apron on and a bunch of pancake mix all over him. He noticed me, looked over and with a goofy smile on his face said "I'm making pancakes"
I laughed and hugged him from behind. He was too adorable. I looked into the pan and saw a blob of pancake mix arranged wierdly, it looked like he was trying to make shapes.

"Babe?" I asked "What is that?" I giggled
"Its a heart" he smiled "well, its supposed to be" he looked down at the 'heart' and then to the plate full of heart regects. "I might need a little help" he admitted, laughing

I grabbed the spatula and took the mishappen heart out of the pan. I grabbed his hand and squeezed the bottle moving his hand in the shape of a heart and then filling it in.

"There you go" I looked at him and smiled, "Thanks" He smiled bacl, tunring his head back to look at mine.

He pushed his lips against mine and I kissed back. He pulled away and smiled at me, giving me one last peck on the lips.

"Now sit down, im making you... breakfast?" He questioned

I laughed and sat down at the table, he flipped the pancake onto the plate, his tongue was sticking out slightly because he was concentrating. He is so adorable.

He brought me the plate and handed me the fruit. I put on some strawberries and some bananas. He took the whipped cream and sprayed a ton of it on top of the pancake. He handed me a fork and then got himself a pancake. He sat down next to me and smiled grabbing a whipped cream filled bite on his fork. He put the fork to his mouth and I reachef uo and smeared the whipped cream on his face. He made a 'really?' Face and I busted up laughing, as I was laughing he took a finger full of whipped cream and smeared it on my face. We both laughed and finished what was left of our pancakes.

"Now I'm all gross and sticky" I laughed
"Yeah me too" Justin winked
I rolled my eyes and laughed

"So who gets to shower 1st?" I asked
"Well I mean, since you started this whole thing I think I should.." he said sarcastically
"Yeah but you got more on me than I did on you!" I argued, laughing
"Well I made you pancakes!" He answered, also laughing
"Fine!" He sighed laughing "You can get in first"
"Awh thanks babe" I smiled knowing I had won

We got up and went to his room and he handed me my clothes from when I first got here.

"Here," he said "I washed these for you"
"Oh thanks!" I smiled "not that I mind wearing your clothes" I winked
"Go get in the shower ya nasty" he joked
I laughed and walked down the hall to the bathroom and undressed. I turned on the water and made sure the temperature was good. I got in and shut the curtain.

About 15 minutes later I walked out of the bathroom fully dressed in my flannel and black jeans.

The New Kid, A Justin Blake Story//FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now