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**Final Jaegan pic because Justin and Danny left today :'(**

I woke up to hear my music still playing. I took my headphones out and searched for my phone in the sea of blankets, eventually finding it. I looked at the time, it was 7:15. It was Monday and school starts at 8:05.

"Ughh" I groaned

I got up and opened my bag searching through the clothes that I had packed. I eventually just dumped the bag out on the bed. I found a red and black flannel and a pair of black jeans. I threw on a black tank top and the flannel, leaving it unbuttoned.

I walked across the hall to the bathroom. I brushed my sorta long, naturally straight, daek brown hair, it went about halfway down my back.

I looked into the mirror, I was looking surprisingly good for all that happened last night. I threw on some mascara and walked out of the bathroom.

I checked the time, 7:31. I had some time to waste so I walked down to the kitchen to find something to eat.

I opened the fridge and looked around. I wasnt really feeling like eating so I decided to stop at McDonald's and grab some coffee instead.

I grabbed my keys and left. When I got into my car I immediately started shivering, it was frezzing. I turned on the heat, started the car and drove off.

McDonald's was right down the street from my school so when I ordered my food and noticed it was 7:52 I wasnt that worried until I remembered that I was supposed to show a new kid around the school today.

"Order 253" a woman yelled from behind the counter.

That was me, I frantically ran up to the counter and grabbed my coffee and ran back to my car, almost dropping my coffee.

I quickly started it and rushed to the school.

The New Kid, A Justin Blake Story//FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now