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*Aubri's POV*
The doctors left my room and I layed there confused. What is going on? Why does this boy say he is my boyfriend? Is he? I'm just so confused..

*Time Skip*
A doctor came in and and sat down next to me.

"Doctor what's happening?" I asked.
"Aubri.. what's the last thing you remember?" He said concern lacing his voice.
"I remember that my grammar was hurt and she's here, and I'm here for her, but then this boy says he's my boyfriend.. and I just don't know what's going on." I said confused.
"Aubri.. there was an accident.. you were taken advantage of by a man, he beat you, many times, but this last time, this last time was bad, you, you almost died, you might have if Justin, 'that boy' hadn't been there to stop it. He wasn't in good shape himself, a few broken ribs and a messed up face, but anyways, you lost your memory." He explained.
"What?" I asked "my, my memory? So he was telling the truth, he is my boyfriend? And he, he saved me?" I asked, tears brimming in my eyes. "How could I forget that?"
"It happens, you had a head injury severe enough to cause you to lose your memory, we aren't sure when or if you'll regain it but we will do all that we can to help you get it back." He said "until then just get lists of rest and try to get better." He said leaving the room.

So it's true, he is my boyfriend and he saved me, he took a beating for me. How can I not remember?

The New Kid, A Justin Blake Story//FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now