9-Mall II

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***So wattpad is being dumb right now so the last chapter might not have fully uploaded so incase it didn't this was supposed to be the rest kf it, Enjoy!"

o you don't like hot topic??" Danny asked Sarah
"I mean, yeah obviously. But when you are dragged there every frackin day it gets a little old. I mean, how many band shirts can you possibly have?" Sarah replied and then made a confused face
"What did I just say?" She questioned laughing and realizing how dumb that statement was. She blushed and looked down.

"I kinda know what you mean" Danny said "Our friend Damon always drags us there, but I love it so I don't mind too much"

*Danny's POV*

'Wow' I thought looking at Sarah. She was gorgeous. The way she shyly looked down and away from me when she said something dumb. Her beautiful pale face, her big blue eyes, the way her dark brown hair falls over part of her face, everything. She was perfect.

I watched her as we walked, I heard distant conversation and looked over to see that Justin and Aubri had walked away leaving us alone in the parking lot. We walked in through the main entrance and continued walking furthur, I wasn't sure where we were going and I don't think she did either.

"So... where do you wanna go?" I asked her shyly
"Anywhere is fine" she said, still looking down at her feet
"...... Wait!" I said " I have an idea follow me" I said grabbing her hand and pulling her towards our destination

*Sarah's POV*

We walked to the end of the main hallway and took a left down another one.

"Where are we going?" I asked him, confused
"I can't tell you, it's a surprise" He told me
I nodded and continued following him down the hallway.

When we got the end of the hallway we went through a door that took us to the back parking lot of the mall. The end of the pavement was met by over growing grass and weeds. Danny dragged me to the edge of the parking lot and to a pathway. We walked carefully through the path and at the end of it was a big tree in the way.

"Watch your step" Danny warned

Then he climed over the tree and held the leaves out of the way while I climed over.

I looked up and gasped, my mouth fell open and I looked at the scene in amazement.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Danny asked
"It's amazing" I replied

What I saw was a big empty field with a huge tree in the center. The tree had a main branch that stood straight up and another large branch that came out of the main branch and bent upwards making a perfect 'U' shape. The tree had beautiful white flowers that hung down over the branches. It was truly amazing.

"Come here" Danny said, grabbing my hand and pulling me closer to the tree.

Danny let go of my hand and jumped up to the second branch and grabbed my hand to help me up. I jumped up and sat next to Danny. I sat there looking at the view, I looked over and noticed Danny looking at me. His eyes wandered up and down my face and then back to my eyes. I looked into his, he had beautiful brown eyes. Usually brown eyes are just normal, nothing special about them but when I look into his I feel totally different. Like they are the most beautiful color there is, every other color fades to gray. I suddenly felt Danny's lips pushed against mine, I was so mezmerized that I hadn't even noticed that I was leaning in. His lips were soft and wonderful. I never wanted to stop feeling them against mine. He moved his hand to my cheek and I moved mine to wrap around his neck.

"Well that was quick" I heard a familiar voice say

I pulled away and looked down to see Justin and Aubri standing below us and looking up, I couldn't help smiling at the thought that Danny and I had just kissed. I didn't even realize that we were still holding each other. I let go of Danny's neck and he let go of my cheek.

"What do you want loser!" Danny yelled down to Justin sounding kind of annoyed.
"We're leaving, just wanted to let you guys know, you can stay here if you want and I can leave the car, Aubri and I are going to DQ, we are hungry." He explained
Danny looked at me and I shrugged, still smiling.
"I think we're gonna just stay here" Danny yelled down
"Okay, catch!" Justin said, throwing the keys up to Danny, who caught them, almost falling.

*Justin's POV*

When we got to the cars I got in the passenger side of Aubri's car and she got in the drivers seat. She started the car and the song 'Asshole' by Ronnie Radke ft. Andy Biersack' started playing.

"Oh man I love this song!" I said
"Omg you like bands?" Aubri asked
"Uh, only a lot!" I answered her
"Me too!" She excitedly announced
We both laughed and aubri started driving. We lef the mall parking lot and started driving towards taco bell. When we finally arrived there we parked by the door and Justin gasped.

"Oh crap" he whispered

***lol sorry, not sorry for the cliffhanger***

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