Author's Note

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Okay so I was rereading the story and I realized a couple of issues so I'm gonna clear them up.

In the beginning I said it was monday, but I changed it to friday

When Justin and Aubri were gonna go to eat the said DQ at 1st but then went to Taco Bell, they were actually at DQ

This isn't really an issue but in theast chapter when they left the house it was morning and when they came home it was dark, meaning that they would have been out in the woods for a while, I just didn't write the whole time

I'm pretty sure that's it. Sorry if there are some I didn't get. Anyways I hope you are enjoying this! And also I have a lot of ideas for future chapters but I'm not sure which I'm going to use, there is also gonna be some BIGGGG drama comming up, so prepare for that. Also, I'm not sure the last chapter fully uploaded, can u guys comment what the last sentence was for you? Thanks!♥♡

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