2-New Home

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**Another Jaegan pic lol**

I got to my grandma's house about 5 minutes later. She had a sorta small house, it was white with black doors and windows. I waited for a second, just standing outside by my car, looking up at my new soon to be home.

A few moments later I walked up the steps onto the porch. I opened the door and walked in, my grandma was waiting for me on the couch, she looked tired and worried but she still had a smile on her face.

"Hey honey" she said in a concerned voice
"Hey grammie" I responded sounding as cheerful as possible
"I made the bed in the guest room for you" she said
"Thanks gram" I smiled

I walked up to the guest room and set my back on the ground next to the bed and fell back onto the bed.

I grabbed my phone and put my headphones in. I listened to music until I eventually fell asleep.

**Sorry this chalpter is short but I feel like this is a good spot to end this chapter**

The New Kid, A Justin Blake Story//FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now