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***I didn't have time to edit this, so sorry.***

*Aubri's POV*
I woke up and felt an arm around my waist. I turned around to see Justin still sound asleep. This was an amazing feeling I didn't want to leave his arms ever. I sighed and carefully moved his arm and stood up. I was wearing a purple tie dye 'Justin Blake' shirt. Hmm.. He really is famous, I chuckled to myself. I opened the door and carefully snuck out of the room and down the hall, I walked down to the kitchen and looked through the cupboards for something to make for breakfast. I found some pancake mix and decided to make pancakes for everyone. Justin said that his mom was out of town for work so I figured it was just, Danny, Sarah, Justin and I. I found a pan and a mixing bowl and made pancake after pancake, stacking the finished ones on a plate. Once the stack looked pretty big I counted and found that there were 11 pancakes, I made one more and started cleaning up. I felt an arm wrap around my neck and turned around.

"Sarah!" I whisper yelled, not wanting to wake up the boys
"Good morning Aubri" she smiled. She looked really happy, things must be going well between her and Danny. I haven't seen her this happy since she first started dating Kale, I was happy for her.
"I made breakfast, do you wanna help me set the table?" I asked her
"Sure! Do we have whipped cream? What about bananas and strawberries? She asked, rummaging through the fridge
"Um, I don't think so, do you wanna go to the store with me?" I asked "We can go get some"
"Yeah!" She answered, man she was happy, I loved this.
"Oh frack. My car is almost out of gas." Did I just say frack? I thought. Wow that is a fun word, I laughed at myself and then grabbed a piece of paper and searched for a pen. I found one and wrote on the piece of paper

'We borrowed your car, brb ~Aubri&Sarah'

I set the note by the door, slid on my shoes and grabbed Justin's keys.

"Come on Sarah!" I whisper yelled
"Comming!" She responded

We walked out to the car and I got in the drivers seat, Sarah in the passenger seat. I turned on the car and the radio started blasting

"Just open up, like a page in a book these words that I'm writing...."

"Crap!" I shouted frantically searching for the volume knob.

The song continued playing, and I finally found the knob and turned down the music, hoping it didn't wake the boys. I started driving.

"Good song." Sarah joked
I busted up laughing and continued driving down the street and I found a small grocery store called 'Hangred's'

I pulled into the parking lot and parked near the entrance, we got out and walked into the store.

It looked like it was a family owned buisness, not the nicest but it'll do. We walked around until we found the fruits and picked up some strawberries, blueberries and bananas. We walked further down the isle and found some whipped cream, we grabbed 4 cans, we like whipped cream. We walked to the register and the cashier rang up our stuff.

"Your total will be $18.95" said the young women, probably 13.

I handed her a 20 and grabbed our bags, she handed me my change and we walked out, we got back into the car and drove back to Justin's house.

When we got to there the boys were still sleeping so we put the keys back and snuck into the kitchen. We set up the table, warmed up the pancakes and went to wake up the guys. I quietly tiptoed into Justin's room layed down next to him. I faced him snd whispered "Justin.. Justin.." I played with his hair, damn I love his hair, he's so cute. Especially when hes sleeping. I grabbed my phone and opened my camera.


The flash went off and Justin opened his eyes.

"Hahahahah Goodmorning sunshine" I laughed, showing him the picture.
"Ah, what the friiick"he laughed "You can't take pictures of me when I look like poop"
I laughed "Get up loser I made pancakes"
"PANCAKES?!?" He shot up "I'M UP" He stood up and ran out of the room and into the kitchen.

*Sarah's POV*
*Time overlaps*

I walked into Danny's room to wake him up. I layed down next to him on his bed, he is so damn adorable. He looks so cute when he's sleeping, I don't want to wake him up. I swung my leg over him to the other side and sat up, straddling him. I looked down at him and kissed his soft, gorgeous lips. His eyes opened and he kissed back. I pulled away.

"Danny time to wake up" I smiled, still on top of him
"Ohh not yet" He whined
"But Aubri and I made..."
"PANCAKES?!?!" I heard Justin yell from the other room
"PANCAKES?!?!" Danny repeated
"Yeah pancakes!" I answered
Danny gently but speedily rolled me off of him and darted out of the room and towards the kitchen.

I walked out of the room and met Aubri in the hallway, we walked to the kitchen to find the boys have already made their stack of pancakes, Aubri sat down next to Justin and I sat next to Danny. We both grabbed our plates and made our stack while the boys demolished their own. Nobody really talked during breakfast because we were busy eating. When we were finshed we all helped clean up from breakfast.

*Aubri's POV*

Once we were done cleaning up we decided we wanted to go outside for a little bit. I threw on my bearpaws and grabbed the door to go outside.

"Wait, your gonna freeze to death Aubri. Let me grab you a hoodie." Justin said as he ran up the stairs and into his room.

He appeared a few moments later with a blue hoodie and he handed it to me. I put it on over the clothes he had given me last night opened up the door.

"Let's go" I smiled at Justin

The New Kid, A Justin Blake Story//FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now